Wanna begin speedrunning. 70 star (to beat Clint Stevens)
5 years ago

Hi, i'm new to all this and I wanna begin speedrunning. I'm wondering what I need for speedrunning so I have quite a few questions I hope anyone can answer.

I do not want to speedrun on emulator so I want the physical N64 to speedrun on. But what "version" should I choose? The NTSC(US or Jap?) or PAL(I believe is EU), what's easier to get a hold of, what difference does it make if i'm connecting it to my pc? I wanna know every advantage/disadvantage and what others recommend.

Also how can I connect it to my pc and record/stream on twitch? I saw a video on how to record with Elgato. Is that just fine or does anyone recommend something else?

If i choose the JP N64 system, do I have to get JP version of the games aswell or can I use the US version on a JP N64 system?

As an end note: Please let me know if there is something else I need to know or forgot to ask about.

GoodOldIsha likes this
Toronto, ON, Canada

I currently use US version SM64 and N64. I believe Jap is better though, because at the start it shaves off a couple seconds. I started speedunning a few months ago, so I'm not the "expert" on that.

Kazilik likes this
Northern Ireland

I don't know if you have an answer yet but if you are running 70 star get NTSC U. DO NOT GET PAL. PAL runs at around 25 FPS while NTSC consoles run at 30. Also, for 70 star you should get NTSC U but it only saves around a second. Jap saves a few seconds on other categories so yeah. If it's just for 70 get ntsc u. Also yes you can record with an elgato but I think the process is a bit more confusing than things like GV USB 2 and easycap: If a gv usb 2 is out of your price range just get something like an easycap which is like 10 dollars. And for the last question, you should get an NTSC J console. They are cheaper I believe but it involves some 'modifications' to be able to play NTSC U games but it is pretty easy

Kazilik likes this

JP or US versions are preferred. Generally JP hardware is cheaper though. Just make sure if you mismatch regions between the console and cartridge that you buy gamebit screwdrivers to region-unlock the console.

In regards to capturing video the GVUSB2 is the preferred card, great quality and low price. You'll also want to buy a powered splitter and the necessary cables if you're planning on playing from a CRT TV, which most players on N64 do.

Also remember to check the guides in resources for learning individual stars.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Kazilik and Zombie2 like this
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