Bingo challenges (category idea)
1 year ago
United States

I was recently looking at and thought that challenges involving it would make great categories. There could be four categories - Bingo set seed, Bingo random seed, Blackout set seed, and Blackout random seed (there are more patterns you could also include like four corners or something else).

For normal bingo random seed, the objective would be to complete five-in-a-row objectives with a randomly generated seed, and for regular bingo set seed you would be allowed to set the seed to whatever you want. For blackout the objective would be to get every square.

The timing would still start when mario moves left or presses A on the world map and players would be allowed to plan before their initial start for randomly set seeds. The card generation must be recorded before the run and the seed generated must also be visible.

I really think this would be a fun category extension, but I have been wrong before. Is there anything wrong or "not fun" about these categories? As of right now I can't think of any.

SpeedIn likes this
Ontario, Canada

honestly i've thought about this as well and think it could be fun, but we don't really know until someone tries to actually speedrun some of these.

keep in mind, i think the lockout categories would end up all being very similar since getting every square would essentially take as long as a 100% run. i guess you could find a seed which would make it pretty short but im not sure if anyone knows how the seeds work so finding a good seed would be really hard and might not lead to anything.

if you do some runs to show what this ce would be like then we can think about it some more.

SpenceMK, SpeedIn, and Sibby18 like this
New Zealand
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

Something I've thought could be fun (but idk how many would participate) would be to randomly generate a bingo card then give like 2 weeks or however long for people to independently route and get their fastest triple bingo run (3 lines) for that board. It would be kind of similar to tasks. I'm pretty sure this has been done in SMO a few times like 5 years ago but I might be misremembering.

People can DM me on discord their best runs if they don't want to share publicly (which would be smart if they want to win), then I can announce the top 3 or something when the competition is over. (Of course I would have to look through each run to make sure they actually completed each goal)

Edited by the author 1 year ago
New Zealand
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

I remember routing a random bingo seed once back in like 2021, but I don't think I ever did an actual run. Bingo set seed might be a fun category but I don't think random seed should have a leaderboard

If there were a bingo leaderboard it should probably be required to beat the game otherwise there would be no consistent end point, but I don’t want the rules of normal bingo to be affected

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Basque Country

taking it from the smo comunity, 1 line or 3 lines bingo sounds to me like the best ideas you could take for runs; is true that completing the whole board could mean a lot of the game completion with a lot of similarities betwen runs for a linear game like this, but not sure how would it end up (in smo i have speedrunned full board, but it is quite a more open world game)

i was going to play some of this game today so i might try to do some bingo speedruns for fun and experiment with it

"set seed" and "random seed"? lol i could try to find the best seed

Edited by the author 1 year ago
Basque Country

lol havent tried to find that seed concretly if it exists but i found that you could tecnicaly complete 1 line only with the first 4 levels of world 1 with these 5:

  • Go without collecting the 8-2 secret exit (automatic completion lul)
  • Use no more than one cannon (2nd automatic completion omegalul)
  • Defeat Lemmy Twice (beat 1-F twice)
  • Get a perfect Red Toad House (the one on top of 1-2)
  • Reach 99 lives (wahoo best category in src)

now someone get someone find a seed with that line

Edited by the author 1 year ago
New Zealand
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

Lemmy is the W3 boss and that goal is generally defined as beating both Lemmy fights (tower and castle)

Also each goal has a value of “difficulty” which mostly takes into account how long it takes to complete the goal so it’s not necessarily possible for all those goals to be in a single line

Basque Country

oh that makes a lot of sense actualy

DANGIT i confused lemmy and larry

Edited by the author 1 year ago
United States

also wouldn't the cannon and 8-2 goals require you to beat the game?

New Zealand
He/Him, They/Them
1 year ago

No it says it’s on the goals themselves “can be marked at any time” though I personally don’t like those goals

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