6 years ago
Northern Ireland

I was gonna get a gameshark soon and I was wondering if there was any versions that don't support certain codes. I was looking it for level reset and timer codes. So yeah.. lel.


The best versions out there are 3.x's so get them. Every version before 3.1 sucks.

Northern Ireland

Can all 3.x versions support the timer/ level reset code?


250 lines*

Zombie2 likes this
Vienna, Austria

you're from ireland, so i highly recommend getting an equalizer 64 instead of a gameshark. they're a lot cheaper, always 3.x, and originally from the uk, so you should be able to get a good deal.

Northern Ireland

I have NTSC J N64 so would it work on that? Also do they have the same codes as gs

yeah, it would work

Northern Ireland

Okay. Thanks

Northern Ireland

So just to make sure. The equalizer would work on a NTSC J console with Japanese games? And do they also have the same codes as GS. Because if not might as well go with GS I guess

Yes the Equalilzer will work with an NTSC-J console with NTSC-J games and the codes are the same as GS.

Northern Ireland

Okay thanks

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