Brightening the run.
4 years ago
Pohjois-Karjala, Finland

Hello, I was wondering when I brighten the run in Premiere Pro and some white bits in my screen are ''over saturated'' is it a problem? Or do I have to tweak the settings for everything to be clear?

And I'm going to ask another thing, my load remover doesn't work, can someone help me with it?

Edit: Here are pictures of one dark part of the run.



Edited by the author 4 years ago

Hey! I've also used Premiere Pro to edit my runs. I haven't done this myself, but I'm sure there's a way to apply an affect to a portion of the image. Maybe add an adjustment layer and put a mask on it? Look for some tutorials online and I'm sure it's doable.

Out of curiosity, what is the exact effect you're using to brighten the game? I used color curves in the obsolete section (the new Lumetri curves do the same thing) and here's the curve I used:

As for the load remover, I can't help you with that but please hop in the Discord and there'll be people who know more about it who can help you!

Good luck with your runs!

jOwOona likes this
Pohjois-Karjala, Finland

I searched from Google "How to brighten your video in Premiere Pro" and after reading a bit I just searched in the "Effects" tab (On that same portion where you see "Sequence 1" and other clips or videos) for "Lighting" or "light". I tried to make the video more bright and it worked a bit. Then I decided to ask here what should I do and how can I do it.

I'll give more info later on this since I'm going to bed right now. Also I'm a fan of your runs :)



The reason I ask which method you're using to brighten the footage, is because some of them suck. If you simply adjust in the brightness/contrast section for example, what brightness does is it adds a certain brightness to all pixels. From 0-255 for example, if you add 10, then 0 becomes 10, 50 becomes 60, etc. The problem is, all values from 245 to 255 all get mapped to 255, so you lose a ton of color detail in the upper range. Also, the pure blacks get washed out at 10. A terrible way to "fix" the washing out is to increase contrast, which stretches the color range away from the middle value, of let's say 127. Again, the colors at either end will get flattened and you lose information. A gamma or color curve is a much better way to preserve low/high brightness, so I just want to make sure you're using something like that.

Pohjois-Karjala, Finland

''The first step is to select dark footage and place it in the timeline. Then go to effects, and select lighting effect. Drag that on the clip you'd like to brighten. From there, you need to go effect controls and click the triangle to open it.'' I used this ''tutorial'' when I just searched from google.

I will look up some better more in detail tutorials from YouTube to get this look better.

You were a big help. Thanks!

Also you were my inspiration to start running Amnesia: TDD. I'm not good at this but getting better.

Teravortryx likes this
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2.1 Should the Load Extender be allowed for speedruns?

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2.2 Which categories should it be allowed for?

  • In accordance with the majority votes, the LE will be allowed in all categories.

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