Build Mode
4 years ago
He/Him, They/Them
4 years ago

this should go without saying, but I just want to clarify that custom maps will not be added to the leaderboards under any circumstances.

Besley9, AntonioPoni and 9 others like this

but what if mods check 'em? it makes me 2 sad :(

FakeXp likes this
Connecticut, USA

Well, if we did that, we would have TONS of maps that get entered and get verified. It's going to clog up the leaderboards. It's just not a good idea.

Xenopi, olliebunny1 and 2 others like this

i have to agree the possible exception is having only few maps, but that doesnot make sense

rubikscubepro54 and FakeXp like this
San Diego, CA, USA

If custom maps were allowed on sr.c, the qualification would be like 1k upvotes (if there is a voting system to add maps to the site).

Provitia and FakeXp like this
Georgia, USA

No posts in 3 years.


Locked because of unnecessary comments + micro-posting

PG_masterpigmad, BaconSped and 5 others like this