Guide for Hollow Knight in Scratch (Advance)
Guide for Hollow Knight in Scratch (Advance)
Updated 1 year ago by abcdHero

Basic Double Jump: Dash into a wall, then hold the opposite direction and then jump when you hit the wall, it is not always 100% consistent but through trial and practice, hopefully you get it 100% of the time.

Advance Double Jump: Jump into a wall, hope that you will clip into it (more speed == higher consistency). The logic behind this is that your player sprite can clip into the wall but when it check if you hit a wall or not, the hitbox is slightly smaller so it won't think you are in the wall. But it check if you fall or not, you are touching the wall as the "player sprite" so the game wont apply gravity. This is a really hard trick discovered by Awesome.

Dash Nail Bounce: Just swing your nail into the ground, this can give you more speed if your dash is on cooldown. But be aware that you have to face the opposite direction when you nail bounce.

Enemy Pogo: Downswing into a enemy to gain more height, possibly skipping the first platformmer section.

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