Magnet Ball Glitch
Magnet Ball Glitch
Updated 8 years ago by Th3Hatt3r

This will be just a mini guide to doing this bug that I found a while ago but still have no clue how or why it does it. The bug was something I found when I first played the game at a friend house by and could never recreate the bug until I actually bought the game and started playing the game again over 7 years later. Grinsley Gumsburrow but you may just know him that 1 arm boss in Stage 4, his death animation shoots out parts of his arm in different directions. The blue ball or I call it the magnet ball, keeps all it property to connect with your rail gun plus as long it doesn't get auto scroll over could be use the remainder of the stage including the boss, Sleeper Breakman.

Properties of the bug: The ball part keeps all the properties of tether mechanics with the rail gun. The Ball noticeably could fly in any direction at any speed from a home run to a bunt. Even off screen the game doesn't immediately make the ball disappear. The tether will still have the dmg output it had on Grinsley and will continue so throughout the end of the stage making Darn Reckless 3 cycle instead of 4. This can be done in any difficulty so it not a specific difficulty trick. the magnet ball could be auto scrolled over so recommended to have the ball shoot forward as much as possible. The tether can be loss if you get hit by Cannonballs but not by dmg from any other source surprisingly. (yes even bombs)

Setting up the bug: Play the boss normally so deal dmg as such as completing the first 2 segments of the fights. the third and last part is where I have no clue to say I'm actually setting up correctly or not but this is what i do.

  1. float on the left side and from bottom of the stage about 1/6 of the game; 2. quickly dodge the incoming attack when in a downward motion; 3. quickly target and connect the electric orbs and ball together and deal the dmg and quickly deselect after the boss self destruct. (this is does not always work and sometimes doing anything else could work as well. right at the moment this setup just feel RNG so need people to help find a better and easier way) -proof

after deselecting the orb, you click & hold the magnet ball and hail mary for the ball to move forward past the metal gate/exit otherwise it will not work at all. If it does, what should happen is that the ball would not disappear and will keep til the end of the stage. the tether will be still be shooting from the bottom of the screen.

Benefits and CONS

After performing the bug. you save about 5's on the Darn Reckless fight making it to a 3 cycle out of 4. with the Sleeper Breakman should save about average 15s give or take on good RNG. however, since the tether does insane amount of dmg, you can't tether the Darn nitwit or the robot bat to the boss since it has a too low of a hp and of course the boss has invisible shields from below him where the tether coming from. Right at the moment I can only do for the last boss is to break the orb on it back and just fight out the boss just as in the regular speed route.

Miscellaneous: sometimes when I incorrectly time the blue orb it turns will have a weird property to only use half of the tether length, even if the orb goes forward, which is really bad since you can't reach at any of the bosses weaknesses with it.

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Posted 8 years ago
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