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Speedromizer V Submissions are LIVE

The charity marathon with a twist. What you submit, is NOT what you run.

Speedromizer V Submissions are LIVE
Published 5 months ago

Speedromizer V Submissions are OPEN! The marathon where what you submit, is NOT what you run. Raising money for Qmunity.


  • Submit from January 27, 2024 to February 25, 2024
  • Games will be picked in a standard marathon judging process
  • Accepted games are shuffled and randomly assigned to other runners
  • Live draft lottery: March 02
  • From the draft lottery, runners have roughly 3 months to learn their games
  • Confirmation Period for runners: April 19 - April 28
  • Marathon schedule is released: May 05
  • Tech checks for all event participants: May 10-12, 17-19, 24-26
  • Marathon goes live June 06 - 09, at 10 am Central Standard Time!

New Submission Process

You don’t have a run, but want to learn something? You have a cool run that you’d like to teach, but don’t have time to learn something new?

This event, we are opening up to both possibilities! Check out the new submission forms.



We are once again raising money for QMUNITY - British Columbia's queer, trans, and Two-Spirit resource centre, providing safe space for two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersexual and asexual folks and their allies.


We cannot accept race submissions by default due to the nature of the event.

However, during the confirmation period, runners can ask the original submitter of their game to race them! If the submitter agrees, availability permits, and dedicated commentary can be organized, we might see some Student vs. Teacher races!

Discouraged Criteria

Due to the nature of games being randomly drafted for accepted runners, any submission that fits one or more of the following criteria is less likely to be selected:

  • Estimated length is more than 1 hour 30 minutes or less than 10 minutes
  • The run has no available guide and the submitter is not able to provide assistance
  • The run requires non-standard peripherals (e.g. custom controller, etc.)
  • The run has an extremely high complexity in terms of mechanics and inputs
  • The run is heavily dependent on RNG
  • The game is not easily obtainable/playable (e.g. not emulatable, needs high-end PC hardware, etc.)

These runs can still be submitted, and they may be picked as backup games.

Randomizer Rules

Randomizer submissions are allowed, but must fit all of these criteria:

  • The randomizer must have the ability to set a decent starting inventory
  • No overly challenging modes ex: Key Sanity, no starting sword/swordless
  • The run must be able to be completed within 2 hours RTA by a new runner
  • All randomizer submissions will be handled on a case by case basis

Backup Games

We will have a list of backup games for runs that cannot be selected for the main draft lottery due to their nature (see Discouraged Criteria) but which are still awesome showcases that could fill time in case of a runner drop.

We hope to see you at Speedromizer V!

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