Backlog of runs in verification
5 years ago

ya i've got 5 runs in veification and they all have video proof my older one is nearly 1 mounths (27 day), in the discord they were talking about that but ya nothing happened.

OBSIDIAUS likes this
Massachusetts, USA

I've been moderating the MK7 leaderboards since they were added to SRC (so around 4 years ago), and over time I've gradually been less and less involved in the MK7 community. I had been looking to add a new moderator for a while now, but none of the people who expressed interest in being one seemed particularly well-suited for it.

A couple months ago, I decided to contact CyndaKill and ask him if he wanted to be a moderator, since he seemed to me like the most reasonable candidate among the active MK7 forum users. He enthusiastically accepted and everything appeared to be going smoothly. I told him to contact me if ever he needed help and I assumed he had everything under control (which admittedly was a mistake on my part).

I only recently realized that CyndaKill has been MIA for a while (hasn't logged in for almost 3 weeks) and how bad the current backlog is. My apologies, I'll clear it out later today.

In case it isn't already obvious: if you're interested in being a MK7 moderator, feel free to post in this thread, and please give some reasoning as to why you should be added. For reference, see this post for what I value in a moderator:

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Rioyner, Zans64 and 2 others like this
Iowa, USA

@Lafungo I want to add that CyndaKill is extremely rude and showed a lot of disrespect and also told me how much he disliked new runners asking questions. I originally contacted him about IGT allowance for MK7 via NTRBoot (Obviously not to allow it for RTA but IGT tracking as it is unaffected and does provide a recorded run of it) and tried to provide a case to him, though he eventually just ignored me, you might remember me briefly contacting you at one point around that time..maybe I should've talked to you more about it at the time. Only reason this is being brought up now is simply because you mentioned adding him fairly recently around the time I was talking to him. All of it was a infuriating experience.

I'm not trying to shame anyone, but the way he was and the image he has given himself shows. Most of my discussion with him was through Discord DMs. In the end, I walked away from the game and went on to another game to speedrun instead. I highly open you replace him with someone who is more capable.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
starsmiley, Sklitterbeer and 6 others like this
North Carolina, USA

Id be interested in mod. Now i know I have only been speedrunning this game for 6 months but I'm really good at it. I have a 1:23.33 awaiting verification.I have been on this game for 2 years regardless though and I have been active in the players page a lot recently. Now if I'm not mod, just make someone mod I'll be happy. I also really don't like cynda because he was mean to me about my run and I was wrong about it but he didn't have to be mean and I hope everyone agrees with me there. I come here everyday and I'm really interested in it and becoming a mod.


I agree, the mod team could use one or two more people. Lufungo is losing interest in the game(Which I understand) and Cyndakill hasn't been on in 18 days. If its really bad and no one wants to do it, I will be up to the task. Ive been running this game for about 8 months now and ever since summer this year, I have done at least one cup run everyday.


thehydragonmaster if you want to postulate for mod do it here :

UrBoyDragon likes this
She/Her, They/Them
5 years ago

I’m not saying this to be rude, but I don’t think @OBSIDIAUS would be a good idea for a new moderator. He has been extremely rude across different games and has spammed various games with unrelated, or obvious questions. He even advertised his own Discord at one point.

Could any of the site moderators please contact him on this? Thank you.

OBSIDIAUS, Marci0 and 5 others like this
North Carolina, USA

I sort of agree i have made had name for myself cloud and I gotta say I agree. But you said I don't wanna be rude then followed it up by being rude. Pointing me out gains nothing. However I do sorta agree with the post however rude it may be. I am trying to fix my reputation on discord. Also the mod allowed me to advertise my discord. The only reason for me to be mod is because I'm good at the game. I honestly think mkWilliams should be a mod. But whoever it is, it needs to be someone. It could be anyone and I would be happy. One question, what is your name on discord skycloud?

Victoria, Australia

just to let you guys know, all the people who are seeking for moderator should join the discord and have a discussion with everyone else. its easier to find who is best suited for mod through discord.

Marci0, UrBoyDragon and 3 others like this
Victoria, Australia

I also think MKWilliam would make a good mod, he seems to be interested and capable, and he's a trusted top 200 time trialer.

UrBoyDragon, Marci0 and 3 others like this
United States

i could be a mod if need be, i know the game pretty well and have lots of free time so im open but it seems like theres better people than me for this maybe so its up to u guys. also im on discord and only ever had rejected runs because i forgot to check if the link worked cuz i was new to imgur then snd i hope no one distrusts me XD. also it seems like mkwilliam would be good seeing from earlier messages, although i dont really know him.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Marci0 likes this
North Carolina, USA

He is really good at Mario kart and somewhat active. He also told me in a dm on discord that he has applied. Ik if I apply ima get rejected though.


i would like to moderate the Mario Kart 7 speedrunning community, i'm very active in terms of Speedrunning. I have lot of free time to have this responsability (sometimes no because of school). And i would like to improve this speedrunning community. I'm my opinion there should be two to four mores moderators in case something happen.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
SpacecoreApple likes this
United States

basically same marcio except im looking for reasons to dodge homework XD

Marci0 likes this
Massachusetts, USA

I appreciate the interest the community has shown in improving the current situation. If you have anything you'd like to add (like which of the existing candidates you think would make a good/bad moderator and why), then please do. I'm reading all posts and will be talking with people who meet the criteria linked to in my previous post (and who have community support) prior to adding them and announcing the change publicly.

SpacecoreApple, Rioyner, and Marci0 like this
Massachusetts, USA

I've added MKWilliam as a new MK7 moderator. The reasoning should be apparent based on prior posts this thread.

SpacecoreApple, GuilPKA and 7 others like this
North Carolina, USA

MkWilliams will be a good moderator. I hope people can at least agree with me on that.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
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