Category Suggestions
3 years ago
Illinois, USA

Also creative% just bad

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United Kingdom

I wish I had played before so I could do a run and submit it

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United States

Half heart hardcore: normal speedrun but you can only have 1hp, if you die the run ends, and the game difficulty is locked on hard

(Someone would need to make a datapack)

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Illinois, USA

That would be hard

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Pc player's can do that but still hard and let's not talk about mobile 😂

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Illinois, USA

It's not a bad idea but it would be very hard to pull off.

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United States

Honestly I think the difficulty would make this so much fun to run.

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How about new obtain item. I think that some harder to obtain items would be cool. Maybe obsidian is a good choice but my favourite is probably one of the ores (mined with silk touch). Ender crystal or netherite hoe would be cool. And if you want easier one iron hoe maybe.

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Or a stack of wood

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Guys its a question not an order

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Greater Sudbury, ON, Canada

Please Add A ''Reach Bedrock'' Rules: You Start With Stone Shovel And Stone Pickaxe and see how fast you can mine to bedrock from the world spawn! Timer starts when you start mining.

JumboSheep and BBoppers like this
United Kingdom

What about not starting with them

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Illinois, USA


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Arkansas, USA

For scouted seed, the mods should specify whether we can or cannot mine, place, or open things like doors and chests. They should also specify whether we have to start at spawn point or start from where we are when the 10 minutes is up. The rules are really unspecific as they are

Edited by the author 2 years ago
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London, England
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

Sc = sub category Rs = random seed

Die (literally just dying)

Obtain all food (sc such as raw meats, raw meat + rabbit, ((also rotten flesh would count as food)) )

Obtain all mob drops (can have sc’s such as passive, hostile, ss or rs and overworld only etc etc)

Obtain item trident

Find every structure (includes sc’s such as overworld only and the likes)

Break spawner (sc such as zombie, skeleton, spider, all spawners, all spawners + magma cube spawner)

Barter (trade with piglins)

Enter end (same as enter nether but the end instead)

Arson (burn down a village, sc could be mansion, forest)

Obtain item carpet

Capitalism (trade with every villager profession)

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in my opinion arson would be very hard to time because when should it end. When There is no wood or when fire is placed? It would be very easy to cheat and would rely on ping. All mob drops is just confusing. Enter End is basicly any% but you dont do the dragon fight which is useless. Obtain All food sounds ok? But there are 42 different minecraft foods not including variants etc and minecraft inventory is only 36. Find structure is hard to time too and sucks overall. Die% was on the site but in the end deleted (dying in certain ways would be cool but someone already asked for this and someone responded its hard to time properly). Trade with piglins is any% but you stop at certain point. Capitalism sounds great because it requires to set different goals. I would suggest adding categories like nipple% in mario oddysey. By that I mean completely changing your goals not seen in common categories. Obtaining every food sounds cool and all but its still small change to any% route.

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Maybe an All Categories Category?

Basically all Obtain Items Height Limit Finish Raid Cure Zombie Villager and all the ILs

I wouldn't include the categories where you beat the game because that would have to be done in different worlds

JumboSheep and BBoppers like this
Tyne and Wear, England

when categories get added/removed would they also get removed from this category? because it would either make no sense, or the leaderboards would become invalid every other month. also, would people run it?

although, I do have a brain child similar to this, but it depends whether I can be bothered to explain it to other mods 0-0

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Hello everyone, it's been a while but now with the queue under control we would like to expand the leaderboard by adding new categories. So we ask you to suggest new category ideas. We will pick the best ones and do a runner-up poll to decide which category you would all prefer. The poll will be don

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