Category Suggestions
3 years ago
Texas, USA

Lately, people are getting know this new "Category Extension" Game, and a lot of suggestions have been made here in the forums. So the purpose of this forum post is so you can give your suggestions so there isn't a new forum post of a suggestion.

Post your ideas here, and we will look at them, and even probably added to the Leaderboards!

When submitting a category, please consider the following: How long will it take to complete a run? How much rng is there in the run? (both random and set seed) How difficult is it to verify? Will other people want to run it? Will you run it?

Edited by Steph_T 2 years ago
BBoppers, EmiCh321 and 2 others like this
He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago

Ill leave some past ones here

Obtain Elytra

Tame pet Sub cat: Wolf, Fox, Cat

Horse armor%

  • put armor on a horse

and blah blah blah the creative thing

  • Creative% / Cheat%
  • No commands
HassanIQ777, BBoppers and 6 others like this

All effects

Respawn ender dragon

All foods

BBoppers, AstroPug, and Kai. like this
Texas, USA

we will consider them

BBoppers likes this

obtain glowstone

HassanIQ777, BBoppers and 2 others like this

Die% pls

Encripted, BowlerGuy300 and 5 others like this

Obtain Golden Apple?

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Ramesses29231, HassanIQ777 and 3 others like this

How about adding Obtain Dirt

BBoppers and katiepillarr like this


BBoppers likes this

What about certain acheivements, and having to fill the requirements for it. Like MOAR Tools or When Pigs Fly, or something along those lines. Here some more: -The Lie (obtain cake) -Return to Sender -Enchanter -Chestful of Cobblestone -Bodyguard (create Iron Golem) -Alternative Fuel (power a furnace with kelp)

HassanIQ777, BBoppers and 2 others like this

How about obtain emerald

BBoppers likes this
He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago

@Danthedude123 "-Return to Sender"

it's just enter nether, then do a return to sender

Edited by the author 3 years ago
NilsWenell, BBoppers and 3 others like this

How about you added kill a mob Sub: zombie, villager,creeper and enderman

How about added enter a structure Sub: villager house , pillager tower , ruins , desert temple and witch hut

How about added a cure villager Sub: structure or no structure

BBoppers and katiepillarr like this
He/Him, She/Her
3 years ago

@lNIGHTMARE "kill a mob" was a thing but was deleted bc people didn't like it

Edited by the author 3 years ago
BBoppers likes this

Kill a mob would be solely rng.

Enter a structure would be too hard to retime.

Cure a villager will be added in the near future.

BBoppers and lNIGHTMARE like this

Yay at least one got to be added

BBoppers likes this

And two more thing

Obtain a enderpearl

Obtain a bucket of lava

Edited by the author 3 years ago

Obtain ender pearl got removed cause no one ran it.

Obtain a bucket of lava is obtain milk but more stupid.

BBoppers likes this

Ya guess that right

BBoppers likes this
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New category suggestions

Hello everyone, it's been a while but now with the queue under control we would like to expand the leaderboard by adding new categories. So we ask you to suggest new category ideas. We will pick the best ones and do a runner-up poll to decide which category you would all prefer. The poll will be don

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