Stealing item from shop keeper every time
4 years ago

I have found the technique that never fails on shop keeper i can post a video later on the no failure technique thats very quick

Edited by the author 4 years ago
skyfly151 and Yoshiruns like this
Nevada, USA

Step 1: go up to bombs (or where bombs would normally sit on the shelf) Step 2: when shopkeeper turns up, immediately go down. Step 3: just before you hit the door, press down+right diagonally and go through the door. Step 4: 👮🚓🚨

Edited by the author 4 years ago

Easier way is grab item stand to the south of him by the door

Walk one step to the right as soon as shop keeper turns go left+ down out the door Way easier and closer to door

Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

This way is slower