(Obsolete / Beginner Friendly) 100% RouteBaffan
3 years ago
[English] All Glitches explained required for No Hinox Warps (fully editted videos)Karlyr
2 years ago
[English] D8 Backdoor Video TutorialKarlyr
2 years ago
[Français / French] All Glitches explained required for No Hinox Warps (fully editted videos)Karlyr
2 years ago
100% (Glitchless) RouteMchan338
3 years ago
100% guide up-to-date as of September 2nd 2021EDL666
2 years ago
100% Route (Mar 2020)n0lan
4 years ago
Air Climbing TutorialAdamo
4 years ago
AK Skip Tutorial, Like Like Launch Method(September 2020)EDL666
3 years ago
All Dungeons Restricted Route GuideEDL666
7 months ago
Angler Key Skip Tutorial (Fox Method, Sep. 2020)TGH
3 years ago
Angler Key Skip Tutorial + Getting to D7 TutorialAdamo
4 years ago
Angler Tunnel Bomb Jump TutorialMchan338
3 years ago
Any% Detailed Written Route(With video supplements)znubz
4 years ago
Any% Glitchless Route - Dungeons included (Covers Manip and No Manip)NotArcanus
4 years ago
Any% Glitchless Route Video Guidebdewd
4 years ago
Any% No HW Tutorial, updated route with detailed explanation for every strat (June 2021)EDL666
2 years ago
Any% route notes (text only)NotArcanus
4 years ago
Any% Tutorial(Fox AK Skip Route and Like Like AK Skip route plus explanations for all tricks, very raw)(August 2020)EDL666
2 years ago
D6 Dodongo SkipTheLimeFilms
3 years ago
D8 Skip Tutorial (Quick Method + Wall Walking Method)Adamo
4 years ago
Early Magic Rod Tutorial (For 100%)Adamo
4 years ago
Flame Cave Skip Tutorial (Early D8)Adamo
4 years ago
Glitchless Tutorial, updated route with detailed explanation for every strat (June 2021)EDL666
3 years ago
One Cycle Moblin King FightMchan338
2 years ago
Slime Eel Skip (D5 Skip)Adamo
4 years ago
The Big Glitch DictionaryTotallyNotT3mmie
4 years ago
The Glitch Wishlistn0lan
4 years ago
Tutorial: Any% | Jan 2020spicefather
4 years ago
Updated Dampé Guide for 100%TheLimeFilms
3 years ago
Villa Skip Tutorial (Old Method, but still Applicable)Adamo
4 years ago