How to go back to previous patches
8 years ago
Victoria, Australia

A lot of people speedrunning have jumps and stuff that are only in previous patches. Where can i download these? (the previous patches, or how can i drop back patches to use them?)

Portland, OR, USA

i tried getting them also but I can't find them. I have messaged a few of the people who have run this game in hopes of them giving me some link. Unfortunately, the only one I have heard back from is at AGDQ so he doesn't have the link with him. I guess ill just run it on the newest patch until then.


I can't send it to you since you don't have your Twitch linked.

Tiki500, PMed you it.

It's the complete game; not a patch.

Victoria, Australia

I just added my account in then :)


I am the only one who thinks this shouldn't be allowed?

Let's all just go back to version 1.0 where everything is unbalanced and broken.

Virginia, USA

[quote="theowest"]I am the only one who thinks this shouldn't be allowed?

Let's all just go back to version 1.0 where everything is unbalanced and broken.[/quote]

The closest version we have to a 1.0 version would be, which is already implemented in many runs. Are you going to tell people speedrunning Ocarina of Time on the 1.0 version that it shouldn't be allowed, as well? Or any other game that uses different versions, for that matter?

And to be honest, not a lot has changed between and the current version other than bugfixes and skip patches. It's not like you can just bug the game and walk through the whole map without a fight, now that I would be against.


I see, then I guess having a separate or a glitchless runs category/leaderboard like I suggested in the thread I posted is a better idea.

you can still do a lot of the tricks in the most recent version though. the wr is on the newest version. just learn the strats

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