Yoshi category for ILs?
7 months ago
Okinawa, Japan

Seeing how Yoshi is basically unused in practically every level in the leaderboards, I was wondering if we could add that as a category alongside any% and 100%. That way we have even more variety/options for IL runs. Yoshi will never be meta for any level other than a few so it would be nice to see a Yoshi-only ruleset for different strat displays.

Yoshi's more unique than the rest of the characters so it's a shame to never see him used in any speedruns.

Edited by the author 7 months ago
United States

You havent seen yoshi because you havent been looking hard enough (mostly my fault tbh since i havent done most of the hundo ils yet which is where you will mostly see yoshi)

but here are some examples

Edited by the author 7 months ago
United States

this one in its own seperate reply cuz its my favorite

Okinawa, Japan

You havent seen yoshi because you havent been looking hard enough (mostly my fault tbh since i havent done most of the hundo ils yet which is where you will mostly see yoshi)

I'm aware that there's some Yoshi runs, but let's be real here...it's not much. That's my whole reason for proposing Yoshi being his own category. Yoshi's by FAR the most underused character, and along with his unique abilities, I think he deserves his own category. There would be a lot of different and unique strategies that aren't used in normal IL runs .

Hell, I think even Nabbit should be separate from the normal categories too. Seeing how Mario, Luigi, Peach, Daisy, and all 3 Toads are identical and can all use power-ups, I think they should be the standard and that Yoshi AND Nabbit should be separated from them. Just to change things up a bit and allow for people to run these levels with unique strategies :)

Edited by the author 7 months ago
Okinawa, Japan

Here's my run for Nabbit as an example of a strat that would be unique to Yoshi/Nabbit due to their inability to use power-ups:

United States

There are enough categories where yoshi is fastest for adding an extra category to not be worth it right now especially since not even every current category has a run

Having every character being allowed equally allows the extra layer of strategy to choose what character you use (i know ive spent dozens of hours using a certain character on a run just for it to be slower than a different character)

it is way too early in the games lifespan to be thinking about adding an extra 200 categories to the IL boards

Okinawa, Japan

Yea, that's a pretty fair point! I guess that's something that can happen naturally with time

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