An Ultimatum proposal
7 years ago
Minnesota, USA

So I saw that my activity as a leaderboard mod has been put into question and people are proposing to remove me from the position. Although I've been saying all that I can to convince you guys to let me stay, apparently I don't care enough for this community. So I would like to issue a proposal if you will. I would like to verify the next 10 runs that are submitted to the leaderboard to try and prove that I can still keep the position, but if I fail to get any of the runs verified within a 24 hour timeframe of when any of the runs are submitted, then I will consider myself not worthy and will step down from being a mod. However if I succeed in verifying them all within the timeframes, then I get to keep my position and there will be no further arguements. Does this sound like a fair compromise? I would like to hear the mods answers to this.

Florida, USA

I'd like to hear everyone's answer. I have a different proposal. One that's not so confusing.

If you want to keep mod and prove you're active then fine. If there's any point in time where your account has not been on this website for over 5 days then you will not be a moderator. If you can prove you're actively participating then there's no reason for you to not be a mod.

Georgia, USA

I don't really see how this would work because you could verify the runs in the time you say you will, and when the time is up, you probably wouldn't verify anymore. I think you need to prove to us you'll always be an active mod. This doesn't prove anything.

United States

I don't understand why this is a big deal. The only thing you will be losing is the right to verify runs.... Its not a social status nor will it ever be.. We just want people to do there job on the leaderboards and you were not doing the job.

Gc4ever4001 likes this
Texas, USA

5 days is a long time, to be honest. If there were only one mod checking LB once or twice every 5 days, runs would never get approved on a timely basis (that's not the issue here since you guys have 7 mods as of this post, but it's a hypothetical situation). Some people are the type that want their run approved within 1 hour of submission, other don't care either way, but inevitably you'll have both types with a game this big.

HD brings a valid point. A way to be active is to also partake on the forums and add your 2 cents on forums posts (I don't know if you do that or not already, but since this post exists, I'm gonna guess the latter of the two). Answer questions, start topics, join races, do runs (not even sure these two are necessary for the topic at hand, but doing it doesn't hurt unless you're a "retired" runner), all that sort of jazz.

In my opinion, the point of moderation is to ensure things move in a timely manner while doing so efficiently. There will be times where arguments pop up or heated discussions arise, and that's part of a moderator's job— to moderate. It's not just about approving runs or doing runs, it's also about helping the community grow and function so it doesn't turn into a shit-show like some other communities (won't name names, but I'm sure everyone knows at least one or two that I'm referring to).

HDlax and Gc4ever4001 like this
North Carolina, USA

Sounds to me like you care way too much about having mod status, but I guess it depends on what everyone else thinks, if it were me I wouldn't really care since I'm not active on this community anyway lol

My thoughts on it though, if you're inactive then clearly you're not fit to be mod, if you are active then obviously mod is well deserved. It's simple as that and goes without argument.

Gc4ever4001 likes this
Florida, USA

My boi this isnt about me <3

Georgia, USA

Speedrunner123, you think you have a say on every topic in every Speedrunning community out there, even if you don't know the situation, which is the case here. Actually find out what's going on, or don't say anything at all.

kyo, deathline, and chaoslink like this
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