Skip Stealth moment in the club
4 years ago

Hi everyone, I wanted to ask about the stealth in the club - how can I quickly pass this moment so that the guards do not spot you? I do not ask for a detailed guide, at least in grace, but in a meaningful way. Thanks in advance!


First, check out a video of a runner doing it.

Afterwards what you need to know, is that the "invisibility" extends to above the crowds, so you're safe being in the light while above the crowd.

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Arizona, USA

You should watch the tutorial. This is the one of the hardest rooms in the game. I would recommend watching the guide and using the Baba Booey 1.0 version which means not jumping over the third guard and waiting for the fourth guard so you can jump over him to the door and go through while he spots you. No matter which strat you choose for this room it will take a lot of practice. Good luck.

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