If I die in a run, can i still submit it as long as there's no game over?
6 years ago

Dying is fine. You can even game over as long as you complete the run

coolestto, Cybertronlaser and 2 others like this
United States

Yeah dying is fine only if you game over and didnt save is when a reset is mandatory

Madrid, Spain

In the first (and not first) runs you are going to die a lot, and when i say a lot, it's a lot. So don't mind if you die, just complete runs. Also, as i suppose, you are a beginner in speedrunning, so i recommend you watching the speedrun 101 of Ganes Done Quick Hotfix and also the two podcasts of cheese05 and simply "Two Dads, One Show", they explain things that you may encounter during this hobby.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
Meath, Ireland

Okay. Thanks for the tips. I'll definetly check out the GDQ thing.

Meath, Ireland

Wait, so game over is allowed??


Yes you can game over as long as you saved your file that your playing on.

Meath, Ireland

Oh, Okay. Thx


Cheese05 who has the WR died 1 time in his run, so dying is absolutely fine. ;)

Madrid, Spain

The thing is that as you may have seen, after each star they choose the third option after the coin count, that is "Do not save", so it is risky that if you game over then you can't recover. So i recommend for first runs, until you feel that you die less, to save in certain spots, like before a difficult part for you. Or even in first runs, just save everywhere (you know, ez timesave later :))

Edited by the author 6 years ago
United States

I usually save instead of just mash B. Just for safety purposes. I am starting out too.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Why would you mash B? You mean "scroll down" to Don't Save & Continue and press A?

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