Console any%
2 years ago
Florida, USA

Does regular any% strats and routes from pc apply to console?


Depending on the patch, certain things won't work such as tripping levers from below. Inventory drops are possible but extremely difficult on the switch with the routes are the same I think.

United States

just watch a current patch run :) note that there are a few load differences which makes certain rooms different. in that case, watch a console run :)

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Florida, USA

Ok thanks

North Carolina, USA

All of the strats accept for queens garden acid skip are a thing on console any%

Hawaii, USA

Don't listen to RandomStuff, you can do Queens Garden Acid Skip on any patch or platform, if it strikes your fancy.

Both of the runs below include it, the first is timestamped.

the reason you don't see most console runs do QGA skip is that

  1. Tight tricks are harder with input lag
  2. The patch that console is forced to run makes queens gardens rout less optimal (though at the highest level it still is faster) and causes the sporeshroom charm to be overpowered against The Hollow Knight specifically
Edited by the author 2 years ago
North Carolina, USA

Well dang I actually didn't know that, I never saw it used in runs so I just assumed it wasn't possible because of the input lag

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