Yeah so recenty we started to look more into how helicopter could help us and already there are few options. Anyway we need to find all police/hospital heli locations adn make a map, then test if any of those helicotpers are usefull. :)
Updfate 1: So i did few time attacks using heli strats after marriage counseling, its definatelly slowert if you are using it for 1 mission. After the mission helicopter despawns for me no matter wherei out but for Dekap it didnt, so i dont know why it iss happenign to me. I placed the heli in a pretty good position.
For me it looks like helicopter spawns are poure RNG and it doewsnt matter what time or day it is (hospital and police helicopters). Spent a bit time looking for locations. Used this video .
Update 2: Looks like heli strats during Masks/Hotel Assasination and first section for MerryWeather heist is not much faster then usual strats. I i used Franklins black jeep then i lost more then minute compared to helicopter, but tasxi was only 15 seconds slower thyen helicopter. The risk with helicopter seems a bit too much to save 15 seconds, but if you have a bad car rng then heli is a good backup strat. Someone else needs to test this with a timer.
If you have any ideas, then post them here :). For now i cant see where we could use police/hospital helicopters.