During the time it takes to do a run of this game, there is a lot of time for cool stuff to happen. Almost every run contains a few extraordinary moments (for better or for worse). I figured it'd be cool to have a topic to share these moments with other runners. I'll start with some notable moments from my run of yesterday:
I need a stunt double for Jimmy @ Father / Son:
Trevor Philips is an RPG Artist:
Getting rekt by Trevor Philips:
Worst txt message RNG ever @ Military Hardware (8th message!)
Oh My God...so harsh O.o I've seen some harsh trolls by this game, but this was is up there with the absolute best of them.
I'm taking the liberty to post this juicy little nugget from Dekap's stream:
It's f¤cking hilarious of course, but dang, this game can screw you over in so many unexpected ways..
Yeah that was lmao, planes can easily blow up if bike hits the plane, but pushing a van, that was something new. :D
Minutes before we started a Floyd% run on stream, I was just faffing about, until this random dude on the street tells me I have shitty karma...you are not gonna believe what happens next... O.o
Tonya hops out the mo'fuckin' car.
Oh, and getting launched off nothing out of my windshield.
Couple of "highlights" from my past runs starting with where did Franklin go?
Everyone ought to know the song raining men, yes? How about raining choppers? This was my own fault but still :D
And then we have wanted star out of nowhere...