Posted 2 years ago by

A new game breaking glitch has be discorvered by the amazing riley speedrun in order to preform the trick push the chair in the starting cabin out of the way. where the chairs seat spawns orginally you want to jump into the air there and pause where the seat would normally be. on the pause menu select main menu. due to the game resetting all the places of objects when returning to the menu your fish will spawn inside of the chair when you press continue game. because you are effectivly always touching a object you have infinte jumps and be able to make it to the end minus platforming lol. this make the game increadibly fast. due to that fact if anyone has other category ideas let me know. I also wanted to say if anyone is intrested it would be nice to have another mod bc im inconsistant at checking this site. thats it for now veggie out dm me on discord if you need anything

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Posted 2 years ago by

Im gonna find the ending to this game friends!

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Infinite flop glitch found!

A new game breaking glitch has be discorvered by the amazing riley speedrun in order to preform the trick push the chair in the starting cabin out of the way. where the chairs seat spawns orginally you want to jump into the air there and pause where the s

2 years ago
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Posted 2 years ago
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