Too Many Categories
7 years ago
Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

Honestly I think the categories should be like this for every game in the series.

Casual Runs must be single segment.

Insane Runs must be segmented.

Youkai I believe did Gears 1 insane segmented so why not? He did the first insane run and it was segmented. We could set that for the standard for all Insane Any% runs.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

total agreement on this I definitely thing single segment is doable but it would be too long and inconsistent to be fun to do

Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

But sadly the others don't want that :/

Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

They're the community and if that's how they feel then I have to go with what they want.


Well that escalated quickly....


i was joking but there is only like 4 of us .....

Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

No, there is more from other Gears games.

Me, Flurby, Swingflip, ThadJarvis, ACLive, smartalec, RottDawg, Simon Inked, Brassmaster, and you.


why are my times gone from the individual leaderboard ?

Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

They're not, it's just that Xbox One is the default because it's the original console version.

Edited by the author 7 years ago

Right ok. why did we get rid off the previous layout?

Also not sure if this is the right place but whats the point of having a "current most optimum route" when the game is linear as hell in the guides section?

United States

linear games have routes. there can be multiple ways of getting from point A to point B. with enemies, a route can show that none need to be killed, or just 1 or 2, even 2 specific enemies. also, what order to kill enemies. there may be a specific path to take to avoid dialogue, tutorial boxes, etc. A route can also include what weapon to use when, to save ammo for a better one later or switch to a faster one temporarily. Even weapon placements in your inventory is part of a route for a run. Resident Evil 4 is the best example of all of these ideas that I can think of that has been optimized like crazy. There's only a few skips in this linear game, but there is still a specific route to use to save the most time. Super Mario Brothers has had the same "linear path" for years yet the route has slowly been improved.

As for Gears 4 routes, that is still a work in progress and that is the key in the word "current" as things will definitely change as new strategies and routes are found. I havent looked at it yet, and it could be a bad guide, i have no idea, but the idea of a "current optimum route" is still sound

Edited by the author 7 years ago
Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

The previous layout didn't separate Xbox One and PC for ILs and only for full game runs. And the new layout is made from feedback on how it should be from everyone here.


yeah i understand that :) (Great answer btw) i did not phrase my original question very well.

Its more that i don't see why it should be classed as a guide when it has very little optimisation and it appears to be just a linear speedrun of the first level. Sorry for how rude this comes across but i'm terrible at explaining myself online :P.

I have to say its a little silly that we have 67 empty gaps on the Leaderboard yet we have 5 perfectly good act runs hidden away.

Is pc really at that big of an advantage that it has to be seperate/Hidden?

Do we really need normal and hardcore leaderboards?

You guys probably thing im having a proper moan :D

United States

I wouldnt say PC is hidden, but separate I do agree. skipping cutscenes in different locations, load time difference, and FPS are the main reasons. while FPS sometimes doesnt mean anything, there are a number of games where there is a movement advantage to having higher FPS. Lara Croft and Guardian of Light limit you to 60 FPS, or Rise of the Tomb Raider at 100 FPS because of the movement advantage (although I'll admit Rise of the Tomb Raider is really just about swim speed). So to naturally put PC as a separate category makes sense, unless there is reasonable evidence to show that they are in fact relatively close to the same. Also with people adding in load removers, that is another reason for PC runs to have their own section

as for the guide, it's a starting location. while it may not be the best, we have to start somewhere. My first run of ReCore was well over 4 hours, and I had a route I was following. I've since cut that in half. For Gears 4, routing out by act seems logical, and we need a base line, and there it is. The first draft. Feel free to comment on it for updates and faster ideas and over time someone will update it, make a new one and slowly we work out a faster route for the entire game.

As for XBO having priority, I agree with this for now because we have more runners on that version. while different categories, like individual acts dont have many runs yet, I would argue that the entire page should be set up the same, with consoles in the same order. the more popular and common default run showing being the full game, with XBO as the popular console. should we get a few more PC runners (which would include myself if I decided to start running this), then that could change.

as for Normal and Hardcore, I missed the discussion about adding those, and personally think it should be casual and insane only, but there may have been a community demand for it that I missed.

Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

It's mainly for horde Brassmaster as swingflip said normal is the default for horde and I believe he did a hardcore run. Or is working on one, but yeah I agree is should be casual and insane. I don't know how to change the categories so that horde can have all four.


would it not be more fruitful to have the 'guide' in a place where we can actually add comments ?

what determined normal is the default ? having 70 odd categories will result in a)tons of empty runs b)less competition

take a look at the gears of war 3 leaderboards there a ghost town which is why i'm perplexed that we decided on this system that hides all current and future pc runners in favour of empty gaps which i would be amazed will ever get 50% full.

United States

Again, I support a consistent layout, with XBO being the current popular choice for full game any%, that gets the priority. That is just my opinion of course. The PC runs are NOT HIDDEN but are just categorized. Hidden would imply that you have to hunt down and find them, or are absent from public view. They are literally in a different category, and SR doesnt have a set up to view multiple categories at once. things CAN AND WILL certainly change in time, but we have one PC runner versus 3 XBO runners on the main campaign right now. and you are bitching about 1 runner on sub categories not being the priority viewing. SR doesnt have an option to go to the sub category with submissions instead. Should a group of PC runners come in, we can certainly change things, but right now, we are going to leave it the way it is. This should be about speedrunnning the game and pushing it's limits. the layout for this game has gone through FAR too many changes in my opinion. we need to STOP changing it, and focus in on what people are actually going to run and submit and not just what they "think" people would do. and what people WILL run should determine the layout. as for priority of what appears first, consistency on all pages, determined by the more popular category, which right now is the main campaign, with 3 XBO runners runs submitted.

Note that this is coming from a person who ran a game that has his run "hidden" on that page. even though there were more runners of my version originally AND i had the faster times, it was still "hidden". and the reason it was like that is because "PC's typically get priority" which is a dumb reason. Now there are more PC runners and the PC run is faster, so that layout it fine now in my opinion

as for a guide in a better location, I honestly dont think it matters too much. start a thread here about routing and post your thoughts on the potential improvements. saying that it being in the forums is a better place, then that really just says SR should get rid of the guide section all together or leave it just for guides on certain tech/skips. You could also make a guide yourself, and after mod reviews and talk in the community, we may leave both up, or replace the outdated route. That comment is really a criticism on SR then it is on our choice of setup. I think it would be nice to have a comment section on a guide

Super moderatorSlevanas
She/Her, They/Them
7 years ago

I purpose that since RottDawg and Swingflip are the only runners for horde and like to do map ILs that we make them separate pages like beast mode so level leaderboards just have Casual and Insane Any%.

United States

I have nothing wrong with that since we cant edit the page to work the way we need. maybe in the future when SR gets updated we will have better options like that

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