OOB Question
2 years ago
Kentucky, USA

Having just watched the any% category vs the OOB, I’m confused as to why the OOB category doesn’t also go on top of the hallway near the spiral stairs close to the end. Is this a hardware dependent trick and that’s why it isn’t allowed for OOB? Or is there some other reason I’m not aware of?

United States

More specifically, walking from on top of the hallway to the stairs is hardware dependant, as far as I know.

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Arizona, USA

That trick is very hardware dependent and i’ve only seen a whole 3 people do it and i’ve tested it on an ssd same with vrifty and it loads to fast hence why it’s any%

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About FNAF:SB - Ruin and 1.13

hey all, cloud here.

as you all know, the DLC for FNAF:SB, Ruin has released. in case you are unaware, we have made a separate board for ruin, which can be found at this link:

an embargo has been placed on the board, which will last roughly a week or so. this

1 year ago