Regarding Vod Submissions
Regarding Vod Submissions
Posted 2 years ago by

Hello everyone:

Recently we've noticed that some runs have been submitted with the whole vod as their video. While this itself isn't a problem, some runs were not timestamped. This left us having to watch most of the vod just to find the run that you wanted us to retime. Causing it to take more time to verify the run.

After some discussion, we have decided on a new rule for run submissions. Moving forward, if you are to submit a run with the full vod, you are required to put a timestamp of the run in the description of the submission. Otherwise, if your submission does not contain a timestamp, it will be rejected(this will only affect runs submitted after this announcement). For those of you which had already been timestamping your vods, thank you.

And as always, have a great day, and happy running.

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About FNAF:SB - Ruin and 1.13

hey all, cloud here.

as you all know, the DLC for FNAF:SB, Ruin has released. in case you are unaware, we have made a separate board for ruin, which can be found at this link:

an embargo has been placed on the board, which will last roughly a week or so. this

1 year ago