ARR - RT80 - Limsa Start - The Warrior Way
ARR - RT80 - Limsa Start - The Warrior Way
Updated 2 years ago by Unholy_Eve

Finish mini Tutorial

For PC players you can log out here (but not pause the timer) to the main title screen and copy across character data to setup hot bars ect. You will take a time hit here of a couple of minutes or worse if the world is full and you hit the login queue.

Lift to Drowning Wench Pick up MSQ - Close to Home Pick up side quest from Ninya (you can't leave without it) Lift back down Attune Aetheryte Update MSQ in market Attune Hawkers Alley Attune Arcanists Guild Tele to Aetheryte Lift to Drowning Wench Sprint then attune Culanarian Guild Attune Marauders Pick up lvl1 quest Tele Aetheryte Use lift Attune Aftcastle Head West down to Lower Decks Sprint then Attune to Fishers Tele to Middle Finish Way of Marauder quest - Complete later Head to Summerford Merchant buy Eye Patch Attune Aetheryte Complete MSQ - Grab pants Grab MSQ Dressed to Call Update Gear Complete Dressed to Call - grab weapon Grab Lurkers in the Grotto Update gear Solo instance in Grotto Tele Summerford Complete MSQ Lurkers in Grotto Grab Washed Up MSQ Update with Wauter - near carraige Update with Sozai Rarzai - outside gate left side Update with Servin- West of gate Update with Aylmer - can be done from the water at x21.8 Y16.2 Z0.5 Update with Eyrimhus - Sprint East Tele Summerford Complete MSQ Washed Up Grab MSQ Double Dealing /doubt Servin - Assign emote to hotbar, auto run at servin and press hotbar button to cancel emote animation Head East to Purple circle Aid 3 NPCS Speak with Servin Pickup Oranges Head South Update MSQ with Ossine Tele Summerford Complete MSQ Double Dealing - Grab left most chest piece Speak with Gurrcant Grab MSQ Loam Maintenance Watch out for Fate and mobs, this can be done with out getting aggro if careful and mob positioning Sprint to Pfrewahl
Complete MSQ Loam Maintenance - grab money item Grab Plowshares to Swords Head south Spam Overpower AoE skill with Berserk Kill 3 Sprint back to Pfrewahl update MSQ Update MSQ with Pfrewahl Tele Summerford Complete MSQ Plowshares to Swords - Grab weapon Grab MSQ Just Deserts - this is the kill Golem quest Return to Limsa Tele Marauders Complete lvl1 quest Pick up lvl5 quest Head downstairs and speak with Broenbhar Tele Limsa or run to Aetheryte Tele Middle Speak with Rhotgeim hit 3 rocks Speak with Rhotgeim hit 3 rocks Tele Limsa Tele Marauders Update lvl5 quest Speak with Solkwyb Aethernet to Lower Investigate Megalocrab nest Complete instance Tele Summerford

Complete Just Deserts by killing Golem Tele Summerford Update MSQ Just Deserts Tele Limsa Tele Aftcastle Run to Drowing Wench this was 7 seconds quicker for me then using the lift Complete MSQ Just Deserts Grab MSQ Sky-high Run to Aftcastle Aether Tele Marauders Complete lvl5 quest - grab gloves or boots Pickup lvl10 quest Run to Aether Tele to Middle Run to Lower Berserk/Overpower on the quest mobs Return/Tele to Limsa Update lvl10 quest Tele Summerford Update lvl 10 Marauder quest Hand in MSQ Sky -high - Grab left most pants Grab MSQ Thanks A Million Grab Millioncorn and Run to Western Complete MSQ Thanks A Million - Grab left most top Attune Aetheryte Grab MSQ Relighting the Torch Update MSQ with Khanswys Go to destination, kill mob Update MSQ with Khanswys Tele Swiftperch Update MSQ with Fraeloef Return/Tele Limsa Tele to Marauders Complete lvl 10 quest - grab hat (grab money items maybe?) Grab lvl 15 quest Tele Aftcastle Complete MSQ Relighting the Torch with Armor Guildmaster - Grab money (200g) You'll need 80g to get to Moraby Drydocks Tele to Fishers Guild Ferry to Aleport (40g)

If more about 600g try this

Update Lvl 15 Marauder quest Attune Aleport Level 15 Marauder quest, kill mob Tele Limsa/Return Tele Marauder Update level 15 Marauder quest Aethernet to Middle Update with Skapfghim Hit rock Update with Skapfghim Tele Limsa (145g) Tele to fishers Ferry to Aleport (40g)

If less than 600 Gil continue to Candlekeep

Ferry to Candle keep (40g) Attune Moraby Docks Complete MSQ On to the Drydocks - Grab boots Grab MSQ Without a Doubt Run to Candlekeep Quay for MSQ Complete MSQ at Candlekeep - Grab gloves Grab MSQ Righting the Shipwright Update MSQ at Fyrilsmyd Grab 3 items on beach, you can do this without getting mob agro Update MSQ at Fyrilsmyd Tele Drydocks (100g) Hand in MSQ Righting the Shipwright Grab MSQ - Do Angry Pirates Dream

Tele Drydocks if over 200g and on PC with good load times

Update MSQ with Storm Captain Update MSQ with C'nangho Head East to update MSQ with Priates Tele Drydock (100g) Complete MSQ Do Angry Pirates Dream - Grab Axe if didn't finish lvl15 class quest or grab ***money items 700g Grab MSQ Victory in Peril Update MSQ with C'nangho Update with Shift-eyed Sailor Tele Drydock (100g) Instance with Storm Captain Update MSQ with Ahtbrym Tele Drydocks (100g) Sell money items - 700g Complete MSQ Victory in Peril (212g) Grab MSQ Men of the Blue Tattoos Tele Limsa (159g) Tele Aftcastle Run Drowning Wench Hand in MSQ Men of the Blue Tattoos (239g) Grab MSQ Feint and Strike Run Aftcastle Aetheryte Tele Marauder guild Complete level 15 marauder quest - Grab anything but Chest (if you didn't earlier) Grab lvl 20 Class Quest Update MSQ Feint and Strike with Reyner Tele Swiftperch (153g) Update gear Solo instance with Ryssfloh Kill Gargolye - split Tele Limsa (196g) Tele Marauder Complete MSQ Feint and Strike Grab MSQ High Society Grab Marauder level 20 quest Tele Culinarians Update Marauder level 20 Tele Aftcastle Run Drowning Wench Update MSQ High Society Tele Limsa Update MSQ High Society Tele Aftcastle Run Drowning Wench Complete MSQ High Society Grab MSQ A Mizzenmast Repast Use lift Update MSQ at Storm Sergeant Tele Limsa Speak with Strom Sergeant Complete MSQ A Mizzenmast Repast Grab The Lominsan Envoy Lift to Drowning Wench Update MSQ The Lominsan Envoy Lift to Airship Landing Airship to Gridania Update MSQ The Lominsan Envoy Attune Aetheryte Take middle patch to Old Gridania Attune Leatherworker's Attune Mhi Khetto's Ampitheatre Attune Conjurers' Guild Update MSQ Tele Gridania Go to Airship Update MSQ in Airship landing Lift down to Hustlings Strip Attune Chamber of Rule Complete MSQ The Lominsan Envoy Grab MSQ Call of the Sea Tele Limsa Tele Aftcastle Run Drowing Wench Complete MSQ Call of the Sea Grab MSQ It's Probably Pirates Tele Limsa Tele Fishers Update MSQ Ferry to Aleport (40g) Or Tele to Aleport if unlocked (170g)

If you didn't do Maruder lvl 15 earlier do it now in Aleport and complete before 1st Dungeon

Update Lvl 15 Marauder quest Attune Aleport Update MSQ at Hall of Novice Update MSQ at Sastasha enterance Level 15 Marauder quest, kill mob Tele Limsa (170g) Tele Marauder Update level 15 Marauder quest Tele Middle Update with Skapfghim Hit rock Update with Skapfghim Tele Limsa (133g) Tele Marauder Complete level 15 quest - Grab anything but Chest Grab level 20 Marauder Tele Culinarians Update level 20 Marauder Duty Finder settings - All languages and join in progress Queue Sastasha If possible get to Drowning Wench

If using Trusts the first 3 dungeons can hit a tank hard and the healer only heals around 110 mark.

When money permits buy the lvl 25 gear Heavy Iron Flanchard (2748 gil) and Heavy Iron Armor (3540 gil) You will need 650ish gil to teleport to the next city.

A rough estimate put me at a time of 1:24:12.25 but I was pausing to right this guide so times may vary.

Old Guide:

Tele Ul'dah Attune to Adventurers Take Choco Porter to Horizon Leave Choco and Run to Dungeon Queue and if time Attune to Horizon If possible Tele Ul'dah Attune to Sapphire Exchange/Weavers and Goldsmith Back to Adventurers Guild Tele Gridania Attune Bentbranch Meadows Run to Dungeon and Queue If possible Tele Gridania Attune Amphitheater and Lancer Guild

MSQ Waking Sands For the Waking Sands Tele to Limsa, Aether to Arcanists and take ferry to Vesper Bay, depending on load times it's rather quicker then running from Horizon.

With update 5.3 using the vesper bay tickets are now the quickest

From here on out my notes get a bit short, for the most part it's just follow the MSQ.

Lots of teleing to Camp dry bone Queue for Ifrit Tele to Camp Drybone MSQ Hero in the Making - Go to Limsa Last Grab Marauder lvl 20 quest don't do it yet - lvl 23 MSQ takes you to Aleport anyway Choose Immortal Flames as GC Attune to Quarry Mill during MSQ in the Area and before doing Toto-Rak Dungeon MSQ Secret of the White Lilly - Adventurer Guild - Aetheryte - Tele Lancer guild or run and attune Queue Haukke - Upon completion you'll be at the dungeons enterance After speaking with Minfillia and starting Titan questline complete lvl 25 Marauder quest

When at Aleport for Titan quest Attune Crystal and unlock your Job Crystal

If your mad skip the rest of the Warrior quests or continue to lvl 40 for more AoE

Accept Warrior 35 quest it lines up with Titan quest in Thanalan

Running from Costa to Curious Gorge is about 30 seconds Wineport to Curious Gorge is over 50 seconds

Queue Brayflox dungeon - Attune to Wineport during queue time if possible otherwise afterwards Upon dungeon completion you'll be back in the spot as before you entered Grab lvl 35 Warrior quest before starting MSQ at Wineport Attune Camp Bronze Lake Queue Titan You'll be at Titan Aetheryte after completion - Watch out for aggro Tele Camp Bronze Lake Continue MSQ After the Stone Vigil you'll be at the Airship Continue MSQ Finish MSQ at Aleport Grab lvl 40 Warrior quest Tele Wineport for lvl 40 Warrior Quest Gridania - Tele to Amphitheater or run/attune Continue MSQ Queue/Beat Garuda MSQ at Furys Gaze - Spawn mobs and run away back to MSQ giver Contine MSQ at Mor Dhona Complete Warrior lvl 45 quest before rescuing Scions Back to Waking Sands for MSQ

With 5.3 changing exp rewards this section is now null and void!

At this point you should be close if not just passed lvl 48 and even with 2x exp you'll still be short to continue MSQ. Stand in front of Minfilla and Queue leveling Roulette, once finished you can continue MSQ

Continue MSQ Queue Cape Westwind, If time run to Camp Bluefog and Attune, attune other aetheryte if long queue. You'll be just outside when complete, watch out for aggro Continue MSQ Queue Meridianum, about a 25 minute run, you'll be just outside when complete Queue Praetorium, about a 45 minute run, complete and you'll be in the Waking sands.

Congrats you've finished 2.0!


The almost 100 Quest Gauntlet!

My notes get very shorter from here on out as again it's just follow the MSQ from 1 NPC to the next.

When you get the chance grab the Crystal Tower Quest!

Ifrit/Garuda/Titan HM have to be completed to progress MSQ - grab them and complete them whilst doing MSQ quests 3x MSQ pick up at Mor Dhona Unlock Sunkern Temple and Queue - 5.3 not needed anymore Whilst in Queue try to complete the other 2 MSQ quests For collecting the Tea Leaves tele to Mor Dhona and head back to Coerthas Central Highlands Queue Moogle King

People forget about the mechanics of this fight, assign numbers to 1-5 and ignore 1/2. Kill order ->1 Black Mage->2 White Mage->3 Bard->4&5 other 2-> Ignore Warrior/Paladin MT grabs King OT Grabs Warrior/Paladin Everyone else burns down moogles in order, killing War/Paly last

MSQ White Ascian, Run back to Waking sands after chatting - Use vesper bay ticket

"""This has changed""" Doman Kids - Located south atop the stairs, North East corner of town and in the Waking sands building

++++++++++++++ Sorry for not saying but pick up CT quest in Mor Dhona On the way to levi's aetheryte you can do 1/2 of the first CT quest in this area The other 1/2 can be done on the way to do Titan HM

After killing levi you should be around ilvl 90-100 if you used the silver chocobo feathers, poetics and grabbed the correct accessories from the MSQ

Complete the rest of the CT quests then burn through all 3 raids!


Continue MSQ and beat Ramuh Snowcloak - You'll be outside dungeon entrance once complete Continue MSQ and beat Shiva Queue Keeper of the Lake - Last boss - Yellow dragon away from boss/blue close to boss Queue Chrysalis - Tanks only take meteors, everyone else burn add and LB to avoid wipe Queue Steps of the Faith Finish final few MSQ

Timer ends after regaining control after MSQ Before the Dawn Prompt /playtime in chat

Congrats on completing all of ARR.

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