USBLoaderGX Runs? (Emulation on Wii)
6 years ago
United States

Is there any way I can get a run accepted for USBLoaderGX, like taking a penalty and showing what settings I have it emulating on before the run. Thank you for your time!

KilleDragon likes this
Missouri, USA
She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago

Use cfgusbloader ( ) as it's more accurate than USBLoaderGX and also from what I see through the rules, emulators aren't banned. (A mod can chime in, I only checked the rules on the any% page)

Edited by the author 6 years ago
KilleDragon likes this
United States

From personal experience I've found the USBLoaderGX loads slower and freezes so I would assume the load time wouldn't be a problem

KilleDragon likes this
United States

Yeah, this is something that should be added to the rules, but I guess we haven't yet because it hasn't been asked too often.

Unfortunately, we don't allow USB loaders or emulator at this time. There are two major issues shared by both:

  1. If the software doesn't try to emulate accurate load times, the speed will depend on your particular USB/SD device (in a USB loader's case) or on your computer's hardware and configuration (in an emulator's case). So even if it runs slower than console for you, it could be faster for someone else running the same software.

  2. If the software DOES try to emulate accurate load times, it's still tricky to define how much load time accuracy is "good enough" for the leaderboards. At the very least, more testing would be needed before allowing anything. So far the only thing we've tested in detail are disc loaders (Gecko is fine, Neogamma isn't):

I've seen discussions in other communities about allowing this stuff when a player's time is above a certain threshold (for example, 3h15m Any%). I think that's a decent idea, but it would need some discussion before updating any rules.

On the idea of taking a time penalty for running a USB loader: I can't remember much discussion about this, but I personally don't think this is viable because there are at least 1 or 2 variable load times before every single star, making it quite a pain to calculate an accurate penalty. And I wouldn't be a fan of adding an arbitrary penalty like 2 minutes, since it'd be, well, too arbitrary. It's best if the leaderboard reflects actual run times.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
KilleDragon, Mungaru and 3 others like this

usb loader is faster than wiiu so if theres gonna be switchvc it should be allowed to use usb/sd

KilleDragon likes this
United States

I'm planning to buy a wii for running anyway because my current one has a broken disc reader, but I didn't want to spend money without asking first

KilleDragon likes this
Rhode Island, USA

Have there been any further updates or discussions about emus/loaders? I just played through the game again for the first time in a while and became curious about it.

KilleDragon likes this

@lilnate1191 It seems like they’re still looking for an ‘accurate’ USB loading method, but if you have a wii u, you can usb load the virtual console release of the games.

KilleDragon likes this
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