About the Knife
5 years ago
Alberta, Canada

100% in favour of locking FPS to 60. At the very least for glitchless.


Looks like most if not all would be fine with: No Major Glitches (60fps) to put everyone at an equal playing field. Major Glitches (variable) for those who can achive extreme FPS and wanna destroy the game.

I like this.

Showing FPS for "No Major Glitches" will be mandatory

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Tanky, lollipopomg and 5 others like this
Dalarna, Sweden

Chiming in to say that I am definitely for the proposed NMG and MG categories. I cannot consistently get a high FPS count during certain boss battles, and in my personal opinion pretty much all the segments are really fun to route - making me personally dislike OoB stuff.

I want people to enjoy running the game and I want them to be able to do all the cool shit, while I want to do a more traditional RE run. If we can have both on the leaderboards, it's the best of all worlds!

Arizona, USA

Just set up the leaderboard like old RE2:

PC, Console Leon A, Claire A, Leon B, Claire B NMG (60 fps), any% (Variable) Assisted, Standard, Hardcore

Like all resident evils, there's going to be a fuckton of categories because of all the different ways to play. 60 FPS should definitely be a thing because of the knife. Have runners either display FPS or show it in menu before/after the run.

Alberta, Canada

Yeah I think displaying FPS for NMG is a given. There's absolutely no reason not to make it a requirement. I don't think you can play this game (legally) without Steam, and Steam has a built in FPS display. There's no excuse not to display your FPS.

Edited by the author 5 years ago

I'm all for the 60fps NoOob & Anything goes categories, I think it's the cleanest way to please the most people, with 2 very different aspects of the run, and the majority will be able to reach 60fps so that shouldn't be a problem.


Is there an easy way to display the 60 FPS though?

Arizona, USA

What’s going to count as a major glitch then besides the knife strats for bosses? Also could u still use the knife strat for no major glitches except it’s just at 60 fps?

Alberta, Canada

There's an OOB glitch already. Chances are more will be found. It's only been 6 days.

Also, FPS glitch aside, knifing bosses is probably STILL going to be the strat, even on 60fps. The knife is broken af.

Edited by the author 5 years ago

There's a airwalk into OOB glitch that lets you get the early spade key, which for leon might save up a few minutes, even more on the Leon B side (since the zombie just gets into the best position).

Arizona, USA

Ya cuz I remember having my FPS capped to 60 and I used the knife and was still able to get a somewhat fast fight

Dalarna, Sweden

Stairskating (if you can call it that) will still be allowed and knifing in general will still be allowed. The only reason higher FPS is banned is because it's super inconsistent damage-wise and people with monster machines will simply deal more damage.

So fear not, you'll still be able to do fast strats on NMG 60. :)

United Kingdom

One very minor gripe, but why are we calling the scenarios A and B? I know that’s what they were called in the original, but it’s 1st and 2nd here no? Or just Leon/Claire and Leon 2nd/Claire 2nd

allancg likes this

i had it as [2nd] originally but it was changed, idk why but i agree it should match what it's defined as in game.

Beckski93 likes this
United Kingdom

Okay, I have done extensive testing on this, like more than anybody on here I'm willing to bet.

In response to what Steven said, the game CAN be capped at 120, it can also be capped at 144. If you set your refresh rate to 119.98Hz or 144Hz and switch on Vsync, the game will auto lock the FPS at 120 and 144 respectively, and obviously we already have 30 and 60 FPS.

Now the knife is the most temperamental thing, I have done extensive testing at 30, 60, 120, 144, 150, 200, 250, 300, and 350 FPS. After each increment, the knife IS better, it hits more hitboxes per frame, and deals more damage, in turn, it breaks faster. This difference is NOT variable in large differences, the 30 frames between 30 and 60 make. a. difference. The test between 120 capped and 144 capped also acted differently, a simple 24 frames provided like, 5% faster knife breakage on the same hits, sure it's only like 5%, but 5% per 24 frames is a lot. 350FPS was a fucking shit show, i can break 4 knives in the time it takes to break 1 on 30fps.

Now here is the thing, if you cap it, you're displeasing the masses of us that have a computer powerful to get way more frames and run faster, if you don't cap it, you're displeasing the slightly smaller group of people who for some reason still have windows 98 or whatever it is that stops them from at least pushing 120.

Solution? Cap it at 120. If your PC in 2019 can't handle 120 frames, its time for an upgrade, and those few people are in a small group. And for those saying you can't get 120, turn all your settings to low, close the 50 tabs on google chrome, and you'll get 120. People saying they don't want to affect the quality of the game at a cost of running, don't run, you're playing to be fast here not look at something pretty. People didn't run RE1 because it looked nice, they run it because they enjoyed the game and wanted to compete fast.

120 is the middle ground, it is cappable, allows for everyone to do the same strats, its easily achievable with the average computer. If you cap it at 60 you're handicapping the run from the start, and basically just upsetting a lot of us. Especially people who have been routing since it came out and now have sub-1 hour, 59 or even 58.

If a group of say 10 people come along and say "hey i can't get 60fps on my game, you should cap it at 30" are we going to do that? Probably not, because that is a small group of people.

If this is going to be another RE7, we're going to have a few hundred people "running" this game. They'll submit once or twice, wont get under an hour or 1:10, and they'll leave, just like RE7. Then you'll have a leaderboard full of people who run it once and left, and you'll have the few people actually trying to run the game professionally stuck at 60fps, who arguably will all have the equipment necessary to get 120fps, like streamers.

Phoenix, AZ, USA

i am 100% for locking at 60 fps

Arizona, USA

lmao at just assuming anyone who wants the 60 cap has no idea how to optimize their computer or plans to leave after one run

United Kingdom

Naw im not saying people who dont know how to optimize are going to leave, im saying 95% of people are going to leave, regardless of if they have a NASA computer or a potato

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