No Skip/Glitchless Runs?
7 years ago
British Columbia, Canada

I was wondering about if there is a board for runs that don't use any skips,glitches/exploiting engine in runs?

raintnt likes this

as far as i know, no

glichless isn't too popular for hl2 so idk where to find any leader boards for it

raintnt likes this
French Southern Territories

I think it was decided years ago to not add glitchless/nomajorskip because it was very slow and also noone runs it seriously this kind of category. However, if you grind for it, maybe they'll change their decision, who knows ?

raintnt likes this

Ahah,okay..Glicthless means no ABH/ASH/AFH+You cant propclimb,no teleporting NPC by little props,Save/Deletion is not allowed too, so u will should try to survive with 1hp on ravenholm. Your run will be sub 4 hours.Who would want to watch it all?..

Edited by the author 7 years ago
French Southern Territories

@raintnt BHOP is not a glitch according to Portal 1 rules

raintnt likes this
French Southern Territories

I don't see how something not a glitch in Source 2006/2007 (Portal) can be a glitch in 2006/2007 (Half-Life 2). BHOP isn't near ABH at all, it's not at all the same scale of speed. ABH gains speed really fast, while bhop curve speed is slow (in new engine). Is what you are trying to say "ABH is glitch, so is BHOP" ? Because that doesn't look smart considering it's not at all the same thing, and not even related. Whatever, defining a glitch is totally stupid, because there are always things you don't agree with other people, even in the own community. Which is why Portal 1 Glitchless rules are dumb : they weren't voted, and just empiric.

raintnt likes this

Why do you even write it, chraistera? OMGScoots your English language skills dont allow you to write more specific suggestions?


Pack, you are right.I edited post.


y u toksic christre

raintnt likes this
British Columbia, Canada

I did a run of 3:19:42 Real Time which was not that bad considering a few mess ups but yeah i do agree with it being way to slow just though it would be nice to see if a board could be done.

raintnt likes this



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