Read this before posting clips to this forum!
4 years ago
United States

Hello! We appreciate the fact that you went out of your way to record your findings and are currently trying to send them to us.

If you want them to reach us more effectively, you'll find a tab labelled "Discord" on the left side of this page, underneath the big picture of Doom Eternal's box art and below leaderboard and guides.

Please consider joining there and posting your findings in the correct chat (#de_speedtech_clips). It also helps us out because it doesn't clog up the forums from people who need help or have questions. On top of that, maybe the thing you discovered has already been known for a while, and you wouldn't know without seeing some of the other clips people have found.

We'd love for you to stop by, thank you for your patience and cooperation

lol, can a mod sticky this? oh wait...

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100% Codexes

A month ago, it was brought to our attention that the full collection of codexes, which is required for the campaign 100% and 100% Natural Masteries categories, is not possible with our current rules. For example, the extra lives tutorial codex cannot be acquired in the Ultra-Nightmare difficulty. T

2 months ago
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