Original Addition
4 years ago
Calgary, AB, Canada

Nintendo created a version of DK NES (calked Donkey Kong original edition) only available as a pre-downloaded VC game in PAL regions for the red Wii which has since been distributed as a rom on the internet. It adds the factory/pie stage back from the arcade version; would anyone be interested in running it, and if so, mods, do you think it would be a good category to add?

Maine, USA

I would run this for sure. I love that level.

Maine, USA

I would run this for sure. I love that level.

Calgary, AB, Canada

Awesome! And, also, I checked, ladder glitch is still possible!

San Francisco, CA, USA

Sorry for late reply, I would also be interested


Sorry for not responding for a while. As for this versions, it seems it's actually official NES hack released by Nintendo. In that case, if there is some interest in running it, new categories can be added as miscellaneous. First, you need to provide some run of it though to not have obscure empty categories on leaderboards.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
Calgary, AB, Canada

Ok will do, I can send the link (of the video) to you via direct message!

United States

I'm down to run this

Calgary, AB, Canada

Hey all! Here's the link to my run which serves as a sort of category demo. A pretty crappy time, but I'm not done grinding, and I at least wanted to post a semi-decent time so that everyone can hopefully start running the category!

United States

Cool, I'm gonna start running that as soon as possible. In fact I am now currently streaming runs of it as I type this.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
United States

To add on to JAje Here are my submissions for 1 Loop of both Game A and B of Donkey Kong: Original Edition. Game A. Game B.

Edited by the author 3 years ago
Calgary, AB, Canada

Nice times dude! GG

Id run this

New Jersey, USA

I want to try speedrunning this but my game keeps crashing when I try patching it I’m sad

New Jersey, USA

I found one that works so now I will start speed running it


It seems like there is enough interest, so added Original Edition categories to 'miscellaneous' and all 3 current runs.

Calgary, AB, Canada

Thank you!

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