4300 on spring stage
3 years ago
Calgary, AB, Canada

Been struggling with getting a 4300 on the spring stage; any tips?

SuperGamer64 and Lojen like this
United States

what part of the stage are you struggling on?

SuperGamer64 and Lojen like this
Calgary, AB, Canada

Getting on to the top girder from the second moving platform section quickly. I can do it, but I can’t get it while still being fast enough for a 4300.

United States

try doing the andrewg strat. if you watch andrewg's pb you will see that at the beginning of the level he jumps backwards and bounces off the wall. the reason he does this is because its the perfect delay for the platforms so you dont have to wait and you can still be fast enough for a cycle skip. but you need yo play the whole level almost perfect in order to get a 4300. and i would not recomend going for this until your going for a 106 or 105. if you watch a 105 you can see how to do it.

SuperGamer64 and Lojen like this
United States

here is my pb so you have a reference on how fast you need to be:

Calgary, AB, Canada

I see Okay I will work on that


Good luck @JAje if you do the spring cycle skip you can push into the 106/105 range.

SuperGamer64 and Lojen like this
Calgary, AB, Canada

Hopefully yes!