List of TASes for DKC3GBA
List of TASes for DKC3GBA
Updated 4 years ago by Pixiuchu

If you do not know what a TAS is, please visit for more information. If you have any TASes you would like to add to this list, message Snodeca (you can find her in the server)! Both full-game categories (whether meme or not) and IL runs will be added. All TASes are listed as RTA timing unless otherwise specified. If a TAS has been submitted to TASVideos and the TAS was published, the video on the official channel of TASVideos will be linked.

3 Full-Game TASes

[section=Any% - 51:49 by Avanor_]

[section=103% - 2:10:52 by Avanor_]

[section=105% - 2:13:34 (TAS Timing) by SpectrumDisasterTM] Submission on TASVideos: This was rejected due to suboptimality. No video exists for this TAS. I may encode this TAS for the sake of completeness. I will keep it unlisted, though, so it would only be found through this guide.

[section=105% - 2:20:37 (TAS Timing) by SpectrumDisasterTM] Submission on TASVideos: This was cancelled because SDTM decided to work on a better route. No video. Same as 2:13:34, I may encode itfor the sake of completeness.

[section=Aqua% - 15:52 by Avanor_]

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