Contest of the existing rules
6 years ago

You can only get the exotic items once per character meaning if it your 4th character you get no exotic item.

You cant even use tokens until level 20 so it dosent matter.

The new New Game+ is starts on the 4th mission because you cannot replay missions, it can be like this or the category can be removed overall.

There is no way to include Class Type in the first place so don't even complain about that.

Fireteam Medallions cannot be stored in the vault as inventory are shared across characters.

These are some of my words towards this but someone can probs reply to this in a better fashion.

New Jersey, USA

"My largest complaint is with the inability to use the exotic items obtained from Sloan and Asher after completing their respective missions. This rule makes no sense."

This rule actually makes total sense because in order to re-obtain said items on the same character you must create a new account entirely. Now console players wouldn't have an issue with this but it almost completely rules out an PC runs since the exotics can provide a major advantage since PC players would have buy the game again for every new run for them to be able to acquire these again during the run. Therefore, they are not allowed in runs.

"My second issue with the rules is that they are written informally"

In this you are not wrong. The rules have no been revised structurally since when the game came out we were still learning a lot about how this game functioned vs the previous one. The rules how they are written out now simply haven't been revised but you are the first to bring it up so it didn't seem anyone else had any issue understanding them. Simple to fix small errors either way. I would also like to point out that the rule about tokens is actually irrelevant but it was written in such a way because it was copy pasted into the ruleset from a PM and hadn't been fixed to suit rules properly. Which is my bad.

"My next issue with the rules is with the New Game + category. Like the exotics rule, this makes no sense. There are no "starter" missions in Destiny 2; you start the game by being dropped straight into the "Homecoming" mission, and from there you're fully immersed in the Red War Campaign. For this reason, it makes no sense to start a run after you've already completed 3 of the main story missions (homecoming, adieu, and spark)"

Other game have started NG+ beyond the early 'tutorial' levels before. This is one of them. For multiple reasons we can't start NG+ any sooner than the Combustion mission. You can't get Xp until Adieu and fully leveling a character inside of Adieu would be a painfully long grind and no one would even run it. Ever. So for the sake of having a runnable NG+ it starts when you gain access to earth patrol so you can level in a reasonable amount of time to then start the run.

Thanks for pointing out some early structural issues with the rules though. It can be easily fixed.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
traderkirk likes this
United States

Also you can definitely start with 100k glimmer and be 100% inside the rules my WR NG run was done with 100k glimmer and that was fine because I never buy things in my runs.

United States

That's fair on the glimmer rule. I mentioned it because if there should be an edit to the glimmer rule it should be that you cannot use glimmer if you have max already instead of outright saying you can't do the run.