Future of Glitched Runs
5 years ago
Florida, USA

Holy shit, back up.

Going to make this quick, as I have a million things to do IRL today. Every runner can have an opinion, whether they run the category currently or not. I'll be honest, I value the input of those that run the category more seriously, as it affects them the most right now. And even more so, I value speedruners that have times on the boards for any game at all previously more than people that aren't familiar with speedrunning.

@SephJul your opinion is not invalid because you don't run this category. I mean you do jump in a lot on stuff you don't run and then things get spicy, I'm gonna admit, and all the drama is getting annoying.

@666Deadhunter I'm kinda tired of the "maxy and his friends, and then there's ZeC" argument. That's just simply not true. I was invited onto the team by Liv and Steven(?) originally. Maxy is probably the mod I'm least familiar with on a personal level.Everyone on the team, whether they're a verifier or a mod, is working hard on this game, and cares about a healthy set of rules.

So everyone just calm the heck down, and we'll get this sorted. Things turning into a shitstorm whenever there's any disagreement with anyone, is not the way to go.

With that said, I think a variable for this is best right now. Once the categories start to fill up and stop becoming absolutely empty, I'm down with separating things by "Old Patch%" and "1.03+" or something like that, if the activity justifies it. It just seems silly to me right now to break things up when there's just no activity right now. That's my personal opinion and holds no more water than anyone else's, so I'm not coming in saying "this is the way it's going to be".

Edited by the author 5 years ago
StevenMayte and SephJul like this
United Kingdom

In defense of the other mods, Zecc probably just has more free-time currently watch runs which is great because that means he's going the extra mile to watch and verify runs himself, but runs generally are already being verified far faster than they would normally be across the game right now.

Most games on average on the site don't get runs verified within 1-2 days, and those games don't even come close to being as active as RE2 Remake is right now, which is more than doubling Celeste's activity.

It's fair to say right now, no one in this thread right now knows what it is like to handle the insane bulk of runs that is probably being sent into this game on a weekly basis. And on that note people thinking the other mods aren't doing their jobs or doing anything at all should really rethink what they're saying, baring that in mind.

Could they do with more mods / verifiers? Probably. But how many people would they add here who would simply fly down the list hitting verify on every run without watching? If I had to guess based on what I had seen across the site in general when I was a site mod, probably a fair few.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Eleval likes this
United States

@666Deadhunter First of all, how dare you come in here and say all of this nonsense about how the rest of us mods don't do anything and you seem to believe it's just one doing the work. I have busted my ass since I've joined the team trying to do my part to help out. People need to realize there are 8 of us and 270 some of you uploading everyday. Our primary jobs are not to verify your speedruns. We all have lives and jobs and other things. Your life will not be over, if your speedrun isnt verified in a day.

Let's get one thing straight about me, I dont take nonsense from people who like to start problems.

Sort out your priorities, bud.


I think this topic really derailed. what should have just been a simple discussion/vote about what to do regarding patches and Glitches went into full drama. (This isn't Resident Evil for nothing afterall lmao). Maybe the "drama" discussion should be continued elsewhere (a topic dedicated to it?), I don't know, but this topic should def go back to its initial subject which was what to do on the boards regarding Glitches & Patches.

However I'll give my two cents regarding the drama going on, something I don't usually do because I just want to run the game and that's it lol. I think the concerns SephJul wanted to address were the fact Glitched runs were kinda put offboard, not really giving them any sort of spotlight and mostly associating them with OOB only. That and the fact most people running the game mostly copy and optimize the strats they see and do not try to break the game and find new glitches, thinking glitches are only OOB.

Regarding the moderation, I personally have no problem with the moderators. I was however slightly concerned with how long it took to verify runs but I think it is mainly due to the fact a big load of runs are being submitted everyday. But I think what SephJul was concerned about was the fact maxylobes is the only Super Moderator on the game. I personally don't know him at all nor I have anything against him but I have heard stories about strange moderation practises coming from him on other games (such as Devil May Cry). I don't know if these stories are true or not but I have heard them from multiple sources. And if these stories were true and with how some rules were set (and already discussed in another drama topic), I think it was probably legitimate for some people to have concerns with him being the sole supermod for RE2.

Anyway, these were my two cents on the drama, I'll get back to just running the game and this topic should get back to its original subject :p

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Ohio, USA

I was thinking about this earlier and especially while watching some other youtube clips. I saw a clip from vipeazone that he just posted:

The video is showing airwalking and slight oob to go from the library and into the clock tower skipping the club key.

The main thing that stood out to me is that you still fight g1 (but still skipping some of the game). This got me thinking about another approach to take to this category.

What if instead of making splits based on patch - we make a new split that introduced something new. Something like a category/split that was still glitch based but required you to still do the bosses. I think this might help bring in some other people to the category too as it doesn't just simply skip the entire game and important aspects of the game. Instead it can also bring back routing/customization and what not that seems to be missing from the glitch category. I do believe there actually a lot more of these types of skips out there - i'd have to look back through my testings and others also to know for sure.

One thing is that it would still have to be determined how feasible this actually is.

Anyways, just a thought I had and perhaps another approach to solving the actual issue(s) at hand.

I'd like to hear what others thoughts are on this.

Edited by the author 5 years ago
Akezhar likes this
California, USA

Every moderator does work and wants what is best for the community. That is exactly why we wanted to ask the Glitched runners what they want to see with the boards after this latest patch. They put in the time and the effort to understand and run the category. If you don’t have any interest in running Glitched, or helping with the advancement of the category in general, then please refrain from trying to change it to what YOU see fit. This is a community discussion, but the people participating in Glitched have priority on this.

From what I can see so far, everyone agress that 1.00 will most likely be faster than 1.03 accross the boards. Thankfully, it’s not so hard to downpatch. If you don’t have a physical copy on console, then that’s unfortunately going to be needed for 1.00. Perhaps a Variable will work for now, and it cam be officially split further down the line with more discoveries/research?

If you agree with that, please tag me and let me know.

As for the random drama that spurred...let me take a moment to defend myself and the other mods. @666deadhunter I moderate a ton of games and have NEVER had a community member be so outraged with me, proclaiming that 1 out of 8 other mods/verifiers is doing everything. You are completely unaware, and sound like a real moron right now. I have done a lot of moderation on this website, and I have helped many games with more concrete rules, and healthier boards. Some have even seen spikes of activity, thanks to my work. Keep your misinformed, bullshit accusations to yourself.

@Eleval, I helped DMC immensely so whatever you’ve heard is probably from someone who just didn’t get it their way. Yet another situation where I turned to the community for their vote, instead of just doing it my way.

I promise you that I am more than fit for this position.

naders, TrichaelMan and 4 others like this

@lessaid that skip has been there since 1.00; I didn't think much of it since you can't skip RPD and also do the tower skip since both need the falling floor, and skipping RPD obviously saves more time. I agree that some sort of "all bosses" category would be more interesting than what we currently have but I'm not sure that it should replace the current category.

Colorado, USA

I have to agree with @Akezhar on this one @lessaid i also knew about that skip but the fact you have to play the game all the way up to getting the prison cutscene made me put that skip in the back of my head since its the slower route

Ontario, Canada

I don't run glitched, so take my opinion how you would have it, but like Lessaid said, the category should just be 'glitched' and run in any patch that the runner see's as the fastest, so if it turns out 1.00 is the fastest patch, and everyone ends up running 1.00, it is what it is.

CursedToast likes this
Ohio, USA

With my post regarding all bosses:

@Akezhar just to clarify, I wasn't suggesting to replace the current category at all. I was suggesting it as another split or sub category to glitches. Also, wasn't trying to say it's a new skip either, was just merely saying what gave me the idea to a boss required category and that it seems to be feasible.

@Nar and @Anderson like I said, this was an idea for a new category and also an attempt to have glitches not just skip the entire game and add in more routing which might also make the glitches categories more attractive. Yes, the result will be a slower time for the new category

Hope that clarifies things :)

Edited by the author 5 years ago

end it


California, USA

Hi, should OOB glitch category be separated into 120 and 60 fps too? I notice since other PC categories were separated into ones as well, as the FPS determines how fast they are and stuff.

United States

I do alot of oob runs but have little submitted but I feel like you should separate old runs due to it would be either very hard or in some cases impossible to beat a time using old patch glitches and it would be unfair to runners today still trying to get a time for oob runs and having the new patch stop alot of oob glitches from being possible

Edited by the author 5 years ago
California, USA

It's not impossible actually. Downpatching is a thing.

United States

Oh really how do you do it on console

Edited by the author 5 years ago
United States

I've recently revisited some glitched runs, and here are my personal thoughts on it after a week of experimenting. I would appreciate if the community would consider the below proposition, as I have put a great deal of thought into it and have many hours under my belt actually running, routing, and optimizing the categories.

  • I feel like we need to rename this category to any%. Feelings aside, it is, by definition, an any% run. You can kill as little or as much as you want, and the only objective is really to finish the game as quickly as possible without the use of external assistance such as Cheat Engine. The vast majority of any% categories that are run across the entire speedrunning community, not just RE, follow similar rules that we have set for the glitched categories, and even though RE2 does not feature decision-making and alternate endings (take RE1 for instance, where any% allows you to pursue any ending), it still seems logical that any% can be used to describe optional boss encounters, cutscenes, and item pickups instead like many other speed games that do not have alternate endings do.

-I also feel like New Game and New Game+ need to be combined into 1 category, leaving each scenario intact (Leon/Claire, 1st/2nd runs respectively), and from that point just keep them split between PC and Console, leaving unlocked FPS as an option for those who are interested. From what I have routed, almost all of the categories have the same route between the NG and NG+ counterpart. While NG+ generally has more timesave, it is only by a few seconds, and just does not seem significant enough to have an entirely separate category, unlike NG and NG+ standard runs, which are minutes apart in their optimized form. The most important thing about combining these categories though, is that it eliminates the pay-to-win aspects of the game for any%. After some testing, even with a ridiculously high framerate, I have observed considerable diminishing returns with using the knife after about 200fps, and even with a framerate that high, infinite weapons still come out just a few seconds faster. At this point, higher FPS becomes a quality of life improvement, rather than an absolutely necessary thing to do to be competitive.

-As far as which patch to run, I think we should give the runner the freedom to decide. We do not require a particular patch on any other category, therefore I don't think it is necessary to require any runner be on a specific patch. That being said, some patches will likely be faster than others by a few seconds, and in order to achieve an optimal time, a downpatch may be required. I understand this poses a problem for console users that bought the game digitally, and while our goal is to be as inclusive as possible to get more people running the game, we should also look to simplify the solution as much as possible. I believe allowing runners to choose which patch they play on keeps it inclusive, yet simple if a runner decides to run the game on the current patch. There are still skips and tricks to be performed in all patches currently, and the timesaves associated with them are significant regardless. There is also nothing stopping console players from purchasing a physical version of the game to perform any% speedruns. Yes, it sucks if you already bought it digitally, but I could also argue that I'm not able to submit runs for the game at all on console as a PC player unless I actually pay the money to buy the game for my Xbox One. It's a really unfortunate situation, but I really feel like this method will be more inviting to people that want to learn these categories. I would also think it a good idea to include the patch number with a submission, primarily so people that want to learn the run on a specific patch can filter based on that, but I don't feel like it would be required.

The way I propose it, the categories would look as follows:

Any% (PC) Leon | Claire | Leon 2nd | Claire 2nd

Any% (Console) Leon | Claire | Leon 2nd | Claire 2nd

We would simply adopt the rules from NG+ Glitched from each category and allow infinite weapons to be used for any%. This reduces the insane amount of categories for OoB, and enables a more inclusive and accurate depiction of what the run actually is, which translates to:

Beat the game as quickly as possible. You may use any unlockable, in-game glitch, patch and framerate (PC only) in your run. Mods are still prohibited. GL/HF.

In closing, I would like to see categories on this page that people will actually run and that have names on the board. The skips are really cool, and with enough practice just like the memefests of G2 and G3, you can perform them with a moderate level of consistency. The runs are so short that losing time a few minutes in to a failed skip causes nowhere near the level of frustration that a run that dies on G2 or G3 does. I honestly feel like there is a lot of unjustified hate going towards this category for what would otherwise actually be a fun, bite-sized category to run. It need not be the main category of this game, AT ALL. But it is a cool category to have fun with, so lets give it the love that it deserves.

United States

So to bring the topic of the Glitched runs back up again (since we never really settled on what to do with it) I really like Hazeblade's idea on handling the runs. So i would like to know what the rest of the community thinks about it too.

Currently we are seriously considering combining the NG and NG+ runs together and re name the category as Any%. (since that is really what it is)

the difference of NG and NG+ is little and this will also make the "Glitched categories" more organized and look a lot better.

So what do you guys think? :)

Im gonna ask to please be respectful of everyone's opinions, there's a lot of runners on this game and not everyone is gonna agree.

Kaerax and hazeblade like this
São Paulo, Brazil

glitched should be in CE instead of knife only imo


I think that combining NG and NG+ for glitched is a bad idea. The argument "the difference of NG and NG+ is little" could be applied for NMG runs too and it makes no sense for me. NG glitched and NG+ glitched are different categories.

AidenFear and markusGSssj like this