Potential Gargoyle skip
7 months ago
Nordjylland, Denmark

After having seen how little bosses you need to kill, i have thought about the possibility to skip the gargoyle fight. I have seen many people talk about how using the deathcam is not viable since it unloads the ladder to the tower. You can't quit out either because the tower counts as the boss arena and will therefore log in outside the fogwall. I have not seen anyone use poopwalk to clip under the arena. I have tested a little myself, but i have to admit, i'm not very good at navigating out of bounds. Could someone more experienced try using poopwalk to get under the tower?

United States

The out of bounds under the boss arena doesn't really lead anywhere but to lautrec's cell, which just so happens to be under the tower with the bell. There is the plunge cancel glitch that get you to clip in, but I'm not entirely sure how it works, or if it requires the plunge animation. The out of bounds does end right under where the first ladder is located, but you can't interact with it to get back in bounds