Unexplained time loss
4 years ago

I did a run of Monkey Meadows Easy Co-op just now and we lost time (nearly 30s) to the current WR despite popping the bloons earlier (you can see the bloons far less). The rounds start earlier for them too despite the bloons being longer on screen. Can someone explain if we made some mistake or how we could save that time? Our run: Current WR:


hello I admit that I have no answer but where is your timer?


The run was timed after running by determining the first and last frame instead of trying to hit those frames as accurately as possible by hand while running. This provides more accuracy.


so I annalize our two runs and I noticed that actually the balloons do not pass on your run but also paradoxically I noticed that your round was more long 2m58 of your run you are round 21 and 2m58 of my run i'm round 26

and I stopped my timer as soon as there was a victory on the screen

but I think it comes from your monkeys because I see no other explanation


If you look at the top right corner animated trees you can see that Coca-Chan's game is running a lot faster. It can be cause of a bad device or internet. Btw sorry for my bad english.


From some testing it appears the clip may be sped up or cheat engine was used (only affects client-side) to speed up the game, but I need some more time to review before removing the run.

Thanks for pointing this out TheHSbF6Leo.


stng you accuse me of cheating?

so know that in no way did I cheat or my partner I can assure him the problem does not come can be his games if one of the two players has a bad internet connection I think it slowed down the round and or the game itself but I admit that I take this accusation of cheating very badly


CoCa-Chan I chose the wrong words in the last post and apologizes for jumping to conclusions to early. At the time it looked a bit off, but after going back through and testing the timing on the boomerang instead of the trees I believe it is a legitimate run and no further actions will be taken.

I am going to add a rule for any further runs by anyone on PC to show taskbar just in case any fishy behavior, as others may cheat using method I mentioned above.

CoCa-Chan likes this

escuse accepted ^^ on my next run I will show the task bar without any problem I have nothing to blame

but be careful that ExoticPanda checks because in the run we do not see the victory image which saves a few precious seconds

United States

could you care to explain what you mean CoCa-Chan?


in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=c0noHgVrvWA&feature=emb_logo

the video therefore cuts the timer before there is the end screen and the rule is: Run MUST be shown in it's entirety, hitting play at the start and the "victory" banner at the end must visible


We should have the run uncut as well but i think there is something changed in the game to run slower from round 1-40 in the new version because in solo there is also a time loss (30s), but the overall speed 1-80 looks unchanged looking at my run of Spice Islands and a easy run on Winter Park as examples.

Edit: Or maybe there is monkey knowledge which makes a difference . Also i dont think showing the task bar makes any difference .

Edited by the author 4 years ago

But if the Task Bar has to be shown it should also be required to show loading the Game from home screen because of Challenges you can create with all kinds of crazy stuff like faster bloons or less bloons


Here's the uncut footage:

TheRealOrangie likes this

I honestly forget about the challenge editor even existing, I will add that to the rule list.

TheRealOrangie likes this

Also to prove the game is slower i tried to recreate your Speedrun of Monkey Meadows the run starts at 24 sec

Edited by the author 4 years ago

Your game seems slower than mine does, It could had been the razer computer optimizer running in the background speeding up the game.

United States

I feel all my times were stopped the near 1st frame the victory came up not when it was fully up and I was allowed to submit this before when other moderaters were moderating and only verified my own runs at the time because the other mods were inactive. Also the game does feel a good bit slower and I was playing btd6 on pc too idk why but I keep getting 5:20-5:30 on monkey meadow with the WR strat.

Edit: doubt im returning to this game tho thought it was weird to see my name in forums when the last i was active here was almost a year ago.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
TheRealOrangie likes this

even by recreating the run I do not arrive at 4:40 am it is impossible there is necessarily something

TheRealOrangie likes this
United States

like STNG said he had a game booster to speed up his games. Razer optimizer was on that could be it. He just hasn't confirmed that this was it though.

Edit: there has to be more testing I will try the Razer Optimizer when I get home.

Edited by the author 4 years ago
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