I’ve been wondering if it is possible to skip the second barrier with a Death glitch. I notice if link uses a bomb to launch himself across the second barrier, and dies during the blast, then the game will give us a GameOver rather than voiding link. It might be possible to travel beyond the second barrier, if link has a fairy for example, or with if anyone has insight to any death glitches. I saw someone swim im Lava without a timeout, but they had to get the Obliterator and fairies.
- Link still gets the Sheikah slate
- Steals the shield near the temple
- Clips through bomb shrine
- Registers bomb ability/ leaves immediately
- skipping the spirit orbs,
- skipping the conversations with the King.
- < does the glitch >
I heard that the game doesn’t check links position in dungeons. It might be possible to make it to the final boss dungeon, revive link, and defeat the boss. That’s an entire, other issue setting up this run— but— baby steps.
- Makes it to the boss dungeon
- Hope link doesn’t get voided with BeastMode
- Finish Game
Unfortunately all death glitches I can bring to mind render the game softlocked until Link's taken out of whichever state he was put in. Also, the 'barrier' as it has been come to be known is in fact the border of the region of the map with a coordinate check running every frame so you even if you go beyond this border, you will eventually be voided out.
I don't have any knowledge of any glitches that can be used to quickly warp into divine beasts from the start of the game besides moonjump wrong warp but using it across save files is banned. Another key point in the entire plat skip research process is trying to find a way to skip it without losing time over just doing plat normally, which these proposed theories would most certainly fail at if they were possible.
What about skipping the old man cutscenes for the first and last shrine you complete? It’s small but could save a ton of time if we find something
I believe dialogue takes up around 30 seconds in the run. It could definitely help to have skips for dialogue like the skeikah slate, the old man, or not loading cutscenes. In total, that could amount to around 1 minute and 30 seconds of time save. If we find a way to do that, the any% and Great Plateau WRs could be improved upon greatly.
What about the Korok death glitch. Link falling off a cliff during a Korok interaction, allows link to access the pause menu.
In some cases, Link is at 0 hearts in the pause menu— which could be good, if it allowed Link to move while at 0 hearts, possibly passed the second barrier check.
In other cases, Link has more hearts than 0, and is able to hold items— which seems to cancel the falling animation, and allow link to explore out of bounds. I don’t think this would allow link to make it passed the second barrier, unless it has a min/ max height.
I also wonder if Link could stretch his upper torso beyond the barrier, while his legs are still in a location where Link wouldn’t be voided.
Moon jump, and the spaghetti-link glitch show it is possible to manipulate link’s skeleton mesh. / Even if neither are viable for any% /
This is a dumb idea, but maybe it’ll pop up again in the future.
As I said in my previous post, glitches like Dead Link Inventory strip all control of Link besides being able to open the menu. This is also only possible using this korok ( ) which requires all runes, at which point this is completely useless, not to mention we can't move once off plateau and it's just completely useless.
And, the 'barrier' isn't a physical barrier, it is instead the border of the region of the map that has a coordinate check running every frame. It cannot be bypassed as it will be constantly checking his coordinates, although, as you said this may not be applicable in divine beasts.
It’s not much help but I found this odd thing a while ago when talking to the first monk without getting a spirit orb using the arrowless offset setup while talking to them. After they rejected me I spammed a and the game told me I don’t have enough rupees.
Could it be a possibility that the cutscene to get the paraglider is all you need? Like what if the NPC that gives the paraglider to you was tucked out of bounds somewhere on the great plateau and you could talk to him early using a glitch to clip out of bounds and get the paraglider? Idk but maybe it could work
Nice thought! Unfortunately I don't think it will work because the game checks for the completion of all the shrines, and until then, the NPC simply doesn't exist.