Glitchless Runs
6 years ago

No, Orchlon; I'm not pretending that the mods "spread their ass cheeks". And I really don't see the point of take my idea offensively and make a conflict with that things like "mods and the top runners holds weight in their opinions and you are an valueless outsider". Really you are a great runner (now the best) and I follow your videos often, but please mature, because this looks like a childhood fight, and this is only a proposal in a forum, don't take it to bad.

J_Mor and Roxy_Rose like this

And main board or category extension is the same for me, I only posted this here because more people uses this board; i'm not trying to make a revolution hahahahaha. I'm trying to sound as kind as possible. Again, thanks for your answers!


No it's the exact opposite actually, as someone who has no RE3 runs up on the board, the mods hold your opinion in higher regard than mine, and that's not a joke, you having runs up on the board would actually make your opinions matter less because that's just how the mods' minds work.

Regardless, you've proposed a category, we've explained why it's a terrible way to run the game, it's not fun, and people certainly wouldn't run it, it's not interesting to fight nemesis without corner bugs, and certainly it's not justified to make another category when the regular nemesis% only has 2 fights where corner bugs are used anyway. Now if you have any more arguments for why it should be added, besides it being "glitchless". I'm not saing glitchless is a bad category idea by itself, but in this case, it's a terrible one because as I've pointed it, it makes the game less fun to run, and it's doesn't change the run enough, and there would be no interest in it.

J_Mor and KevinHB like this

I think that the fun part is subjective hahaha I play the game without that bugs because is more funny (than stay quiet shooting). The most change is in the first fight I think, but besides that, yes, it doesn't change so much. My idea surge when I see the top runs, and they show high skills, but in the Nemesis fights it's a bit boring see them only stay quiet shooting (and for me, is boring play the game that way, but I love the dodges, routes and strategies from speedrunning). I only think that is an area where the runners can show more of their skills, and there can be people interested in see or show that skills, but as you say, it's a thing of community acceptance (that's why I present my idea).

Edited by the author 6 years ago
United Kingdom

Even if the mods made a ‘glitchless’ category (which still wouldn’t make much sense considering so few of us consider manipulating Nemesis’s AI to be an actual glitch), I doubt you’d see many people running it. What you’re proposing would make maybe a cool challenge run, but not speedrun, as others have said. You can feel free to run it like that yourself, and even post the time here, but you’ll have a hard time persuading other runners to make knife runs 10x harder for themselves for a slower time... on a speedrun website.

J_Mor likes this

hahaha men I don't trying to persuade anyone, I only present an idea to see if others agree with it. It's not purely a challenge run (like only handgun, no damage, etc); I propose it in nemesis% or all bosses run, to make speedruns, but fighting the bosses "honestly" (knife or shoot nemesis is the same if you only have to stay quiet while he is stuck, takes more time, but not so much skill, and that's my point). And like you say, if this category is made, the runners are free to use it, i'm not saying to overwrite the existing rules, and I'm talking this to see if others are interested.

United Kingdom

I’m just saying it’s highly unlikely the category will be made since we don’t really consider it a glitch. And what you’re proposing is more of a challenge-type run since we already know the fastest and safest way to kill Nemesis is by manipulating his AI. You can run whichever way you want to though.


Wait glitches in RE3 ? Where?


Read the post and comments, not only the title ;) I explained why I use the "glitch" word and what is my point.

Missouri, USA

gotta hard agree with beckski here.


Referring to this "I used the "glitch" word, because is the common, you can use another word (exploit, IA abuse, cheat, etc), but the idea is the same."

Nobody is cheating. Exploit, nothing is really done to take advantage over a bug in the game. Getting Nemesis stuck on something is not a bug, since Nemesis can also get stuck on Zombies which was intentional by the game developer. And Abusing AI I don't really get why that's even mentioned, it's done in casual gameplay, proplay and speedruns. ^^


Read the concept and not only the word. I used "IA abuses" when I saw that they use that word. It's obvious that we talk about corner stucks.


Hola Julian. Me pareció interesante agregar esta opción, al menos en el category extension. Use la palabra glitch; como también podría ser exploit, bug, abuso, trampa, etc. Como dije, no menosprecio al que hace el run usando estos bugs, solo lo planteo como una opción aparte, porque me parece bastante interesante, de hecho justamente me diste un ejemplo de ello y de que puede realizarse tranquilamente. Es obvio que cuando buscan buggear a Nemesis lo hacen de forma intencional, esto se ve en los runs, en los que cuentan la cantidad de pasos para hacerlo eficientemente. Yo juego el juego (amigos también), y nunca me pasó de que Nemesis se buggee por recargar o curarme, es algo que debe buscarse de forma intencional, y que si pasa por accidente, será en un muy bajo porcentaje. Me parece que es una forma interesante de explotar más las habilidades al hacer el speedrun, puesto que como dije; no es lo mismo pararse en un lugar fijo a disparar, que estar esquivando a Nemesis activamente. Me parece un tanto innegable que es un bug que se usa intencionalmente; además de bastante rebuscada esa idea de que es algo que pasa accidentalmente y de forma inevitable. Saludos y gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer.


Justamente el concepto de no usar los bugs que dejan quieto o bloqueado a Nemesis es el que más me interesa; como el video que pasaste "no corner bugs". Después de todo, las manipulaciones con el menú son muy pocas y no afectan mucho; la única que lo hace depende de trabar a Nemesis en el cuerpo de Brad justamente.


Gracias por responder. Entiendo que no lo quieran agregar, pero es un tanto raro. O sea, hay pruebas de que se puede hacer sin ningún problema (vamos, no es el REORC que se buggea todo el tiempo); no es a modo de reto solamente, obviamente es un problema del juego y para que pase hay que buscarlo intencionalmente (rara vez pasa por accidente). Es incongruente como agregan el light mode o el New game+ que no cambia mucho las cosas y tampoco supone más desafío, pero no ponen un simple modo de luchar con Nemesis de forma justa y que pueda ser competitivo, porque obviamente el que use los bugs va a obtener mejor tiempo en igualdad de condiciones (ya que uses la estrategia o arma más eficiente sin usar los bugs, es cuestión de cada uno). Reitero, solo planteo agregarlo, no pienso que usar los bugs este mal para hacer speedrun y sé que en muchos speedruns se hace y también agrega un desafío y es interesante ver como los usan; pero me parece completamente lógico e interesante poner a prueba las habilidades de cada uno, al hacer un Nemesis% con combate limpio (no hablo de imponer desafíos como solo pistola, solo escopeta, sin curarse, etc; aunque existen en el RE2 por ejemplo). Justamente el video que compartiste de Moe es muy interesante, porque muestra como explota la mecánica de esquive, y como tiene que esforzarse con más habilidad en la lucha con Nemesis. Saludos y gracias por responder.