Super Mario Odyssey Any% Glitchless?
2 years ago

Would it be possible to have an Any% Glitchless category in this game?

United States

I don’t think anyone gives enough of a shit to run it. This category has probably been requested one hundred times but won’t be accepted I think.

Collin_1029 and God_gamer4 like this
British Columbia, Canada

yea theres not many glitches that are used in the run the only ones i can think of off the top of my head if you arent a top runner just an average runner are nutclip, fish clip, and scoot clip and thats about all i can think of.

God_gamer4 and GoodGoomba like this
Georgia, USA
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

ok but like also what would count as a glitch? Fish Clip of course, but what about things like Snow Dram, Dino Skip, DSS, or DSTA Those aren't really glitches more than they are just oversights

United States

i feel like with a game as dynamic as odyssey it would be hard to nail down what exactly are glitches. I mean did nintendo intend for you to be able to roll cancel and keep momentum? It just doesnt seem very viable

GoodGoomba likes this
Georgia, USA
He/Him, They/Them
2 years ago

to be fair, nintendo did allow for a ton of interesting collision. We just abuse the small errors


I personally think that a glitchless run would just be any%, but like 5 minutes slower(mostly because of moon cave skip). It would also just be more boring, there would just be no interesting skips, just movement and movement only(and movement in odyssey, while impressive, does get boring.)

AshSpeedrunss likes this
Victoria, Australia

I can imagine a sort of glitchless category being added if Any% became reliant on some sort of crazy huge glitch that skipped a large portion of the game. Even so, I think said category would be more likely to be 'Any% no [name of glitch/skip]' than flat out 'Glitchless' (especially considering above arguments concerning what exactly is defined as a glitch).

Duckable and Source like this
United Kingdom

Yeah most skips aren't glitches, they use intended mechanics in an unintended way (snow dram as an extreme example).

Imo, a glitch is when the game acts in a way that wasn't intended at all - like mario being able to go through a wall or teleport cappy around at will.

GoodGoomba, AshSpeedrunss, and Pear like this
United States

As a game developer myself, I've always considered a "glitch" to be the game behaving in a way the designers didn't intend--but only when it comes to coding-related stuff. Even that isn't a super great definition.

So like, Moon Cave Skip or Dino Skip Skip aren't glitches. Sure, the designers probably didn't intend for us to get up there, but nothing about the game's code is behaving in a way that was unintended.

Whereas Nut Clip and Lake Clip are glitches, because you're bypassing the game's collision detection and getting past a wall that is hard-coded to be impassible.

In any case, Any% glitchless would be kind of a dumb category because there are only a very small amount of glitches that save any time. Namely, Nut Clip, which saves 20-30 seconds. Lake Clip saves 5 seconds at best. Scooter Clip saves like 5-7 seconds at best. And...that's pretty much it. (At least, that's all I can think of.)

God_gamer4, Cephla and 3 others like this
Basque Country

Ocarinist is true is hard to explain, but some game things like dss, left side or moon skip are just enormus jumps that abuses what the game mechanics are supposed to be like to skip parts of the games by how the game is created by itself, even if devs of the game didnt realy spected those jumps to be done (who knows if they even care about those cases if they knew) a glitch can be mostly considered bypassing collisions thats are not supposed to be broken at all by abusing some discovered tecnique for example mostly those are visible things; if we consider the first jumps as glitches then there is not realy an absolute objective way to criticize what is allowed and what exact jumps counts as glitches in sum of all we can actualy count as a glitch, ye less than a minute, and the time is summed just not allowing some top starts for tops of the leaderboard that just makes things harder in order to save time

Edited by the author 2 years ago
AshSpeedrunss likes this

It looks as if the run has a lot of clips, though.

Basque Country

not that many realy idk somebody has the count? lol

United Kingdom

Cascade has chest clip and also various clips used in min caps Sand has IP clip Lake has lake clip Wooded has nut clip Metro has Scooter clip, the clip to get into the costume room and a wrongwarp after the people room Snow has snow clip Seaside has fish clip Bowsers has pokino (min caps again) And then there's CRCs and nut jumps.

Most of these are clips but ive also included a few other glitches as well.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
SpeedIn likes this
Illinois, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
2 years ago

super mario odyssey

landus, montyty and 6 others like this
Colorado, USA

i feel like glitchless any% is too hard of a category to define in a way where everyone will agree with it on top of being an objectively lamer category lol

GoodGoomba likes this
United Kingdom

Arguably, vectoring is a glitch as you could say that the Devs did not intend you to go faster by changing direction in midair.

I know it's not as extreme as in some earlier games but its another example of how defining glitchless would be very hard