Time difference between JP and US?
8 years ago
United States
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

Since you can't play JP on a US GameCube, is text the only time saver, and is it known how much time it saves?

North Dakota, USA

It saves around 30 seconds in Any% and about a minute in 100%. There is no difference besides text in Any%, but there is a glitch you can preform in 100% that is exclusive to JP which is a glitch where you catch a boo then go into a mouse hole while Luigi is preforming the sucking up animation and you skip Egad's text.

Georgia, USA

Actually, it's about 20 seconds in Any% and 35 in 100%. It's faster in 100% because there's a couple of skips that you can only do in JP, and the text is faster because there's less of it.

LOZRunner likes this
United States
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

Thanks for the information guys. I have been dying to play through Luigi's Mansion again for years, finally picked it up and was considering speed running as well. The 20-30 seconds isn't worth the JP console and game cost since I'm doing this for fun for now.

Edit: Also, is it faster to run on Wii or GameCube? I have both.

North Dakota, USA

Oops sorry for being off on times Shookie. Good thing HD is here to get the facts right. XD

Georgia, USA

No worries LOZ, we all make mistakes about things. And it doesn't really matter what you run on Shookie, some prefer GC and others prefer Wii.

United States
He/Him, They/Them
8 years ago

Thanks for the information anyway LOZRunner, and thanks to you too, HDlaxbm. I'll probably have to see how big of a difference there is in quality, since I have the Wii component cables but do not have the GameCube component cables (or S-Video for that matter) so Wii will probably be the choice for me. I assumed since there were only GameCube submissions that it meant Wii wasn't viable for some reason, but I know now from watching a few streams that Wii and GameCube are both submitted under GameCube.


I've notice the component cables for the Wii has ugly textures (i could see grain texture on Luigi) compared to the composite cables for the GC as well as the video cutting out for a few seconds. Then again, My Wii component cables were pretty cheap, so it might just be the cable. Happy ghost hunting!

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