All Speedrun Passwords for every region
3 years ago

WARNING (the "-" that is before the password Must NOT be copied)

Europe (English Language Only):

  • z58FbY5 (Holy Exporb)
  • pBBO3r (Holy Exporb)
  • cHqst ​(Mega Exporb)
  • NNSJe (Thick Specs)

US (English Language Only):

  • Wdf (Holy Exporb)
  • YKz58zb (Holy Exporb)
  • cTvth (Mega Exporb)
  • FPKZj (Thick Specs)

Mr dew also has "rFFP8m" for but I couldn´t find that one. In case it works use that instead of "YKz58zb" because it has 1 less character to introduce. I believe it has Holy Exporb in case it works.


  • むはう (Holy Exporb)
  • ぬわけま4ひ (Holy Exporb)
  • うれえろお (Mega Exporb)
  • ぬうなせり (Thick Specs)
Edited by the author 3 years ago
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