Some New Strats to Think About
6 years ago
United States

So I did some checking in, and here is some of the things we've gather. This applies to Frisbee Golf, Power Cruising, and Skydiving.

Frisbee Golf- Classic B course may end up being faster. Alaska might be better to show this, personally when I did my run I sucked up hole 2, but it seems to be faster all around.

Power Cruising- I have video proof (uploading right now, so I will link it in the morning) of getting sub 50s on Marina and Cavern. This something you could not do (that we know of) in Beach, thus saving 5-7 seconds.



Skydiving- During one of Alaska's streams, Randommo suggested something about skipping Glen (That's her name right?) for Skydiving. When I attempt this, it saved me a few seconds on Skydiving.

I personally did a lot of calculations, taking in consideration the perfect run, and I got about a 16:30. This didn't include our new knowledge of Classic B on Frisbee Golf, Randonmo's skydiving suggestion, and included my old times on 50.17 on Marina for Power Cruising.

I'll continue to check these out and more during my runs. For those who are new, I hope you aiming for sub 20. Alaska did a great job showing some key strats to help you with that.

Edited by the author 6 years ago
United States

I mentioned Skydiving a while back. I finally got around to check into it. "Skydiving- During one of Alaska's streams, Randommo suggested something about skipping Glen."

I don't have any hard videos, because it's 1am, but from the test I did, it looks like this also helps. I fell at the same speed both tries, first time doing the old way, second time grabbing a Mii real fast and then falling, and it was the difference of about 5-6 seconds. Not a lot, but I think it is something useful.

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