Hi there! I created a simple autosplitter for the demo. Here it is: https://github.com/ishanpm/waveland-autosplitter I'm not going to try to add this to the xml, since it doesn't work with the full version (which I do not own; but plan to buy) and it doesn't autostart yet.
I'm probably gonna make a run with this once I get recording set up. Current best is 4:20.57! (any%, using the highly technical "Close the game to skip the tutorial" strategy)
Hey, nice! I'll have to give it a try.
If you don't mind my asking, where/when did you find the demo? We have new demo runners from time to time despite the full release. Just curious :)
Hey thanks! if you want to join our community discord, here's the link: https://discord.gg/qjPpxcy Good luck running!
I saw it on AlphaRad's channel recently. Coincidentally, I had been contemplating the idea of trying to make a speedrun of something, and WaveLand's demo happens to be absolutely perfect for speedrunning, since it's short and always leaves room for improvement.
Makes sense, he was the first to submit here.
I think sub-3:50 is possible optimally, but jsyk the demo has random jumpsquat frames lol. This was fixed in the full version.