Make me a mod
6 years ago
California, USA

Make me a mod for no reason everyone is mod even people who have never touched this game


I agree with this except you should make me a mod as well

United States

Im sorry gentlemen, but here at our prestigious speedgame Washing Machine Simulator 2001 we only elect moderators of very high status and or quality. You can always try but I cannot guarantee that you'd make the cut.

Dream big boys.

Xinera likes this
California, USA

can i be mod tho?

California, USA

Maybe uploading a run will prove my worthiness

California, USA

@ all mods remember to deny this run for the meme

Victoria, Australia

Shit I thought the people in the discord were actually serious when they said they needed mods lmao

California, USA

What will prove my worthiness?

United States

Send a pic of yourself dabbing (with a namecard for verification)

Gonthey, Jangoosed, and BaileyP2SR like this
California, USA

I don't have a camera how about if I draw it

United States

Did I say drawing?

California, USA

well then sushi but you better dab yourself

United States

no namecard, but that gaming chair is irresistible. welcome aboard the moderation team.

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