Category Idea | How categories could be improved
1 year ago
Podkarpackie, Poland

I'd like to share my thoughts on some categories and how we could make them better.

New Category [Order% / Any% / Fulfill%] I like the idea of All Jobs, but the execution is terrible. We're allowed to have everything previously prepared. This wouldn't be the case on Any%. The category would be about doing all "jobs" using only one pizza, which should be previously ordered, cooked etc. We could require to fulfill a specific number of orders (1/5/10/20).

The requirement of supplying all boxes that are needed to make and deliver a pizza would also be a nice thing (it'll be fine if we cut this off). You'd have to do this before cooking, as you can't make a pizza without any ingredients (imagine if you had none).

2 Player I think this category should be revamped in a way that allows us to have more people participating. Having three people on Cashier or Supplier could improve the time pretty much. People already "speedrun" delivering pizzas on Neon Time on private servers, so I think the addition of such category is reasonable.

Single Job My thoughts on this category are mixed. It shouldn't be added in the first place. I'd love to see it's removal or a huge revamp, so they're similar to their longer counterparts.

Cashier I think timing should start upon interacting with a customer. It's good how it is now though.

Cook The time should end upon the final pizza being accepted or flown away by the verification thing.

Pizza Boxer The idea of having boxes already open is weird.

London, England

The ones I suggested are W


Order%/Any%/Fulfill% is a good idea for a category, way better than All Jobs as All Jobs requires a semi-complicated setup. All Jobs itself could be split to Current and Legacy or be revamped, as WR is possibly unbeatable without a new strat being discovered.

2 Player could be changed into Co-op and could be split by number of players however I don't know if this would be practical.

Single Job has an issue, where some WRs are unbeatable. As an example:

  • Zangoose's 283ms Pizza Boxer run was done on Legacy, where less input per box is required. That causes the run to be humanly impossible to beat on Current.
  • tlak's 8.333 Supplier Gear may also be unbeatable as it uses a now patched glitch.

Not even talking about Delivery (Gear/Gearless) which is now a competition who does the vehicle warp faster.

Despite that I don't think removing Single Job completely is a solution. A revamp is a better idea but I'm not sure how this category could be improved. (except finally updating the rules which have not been changed by the mod team for a long time)

New York, USA

We did update the rules a few months ago and made them much easier to read and understand. We left the Single Job and Meme Categories untouched because over the years, previous moderators (especially early on) accepted many runs without considering if they followed the rules. This makes the SJ/Meme cats incredibly inconsistent and we can't just make a legacy/new sub-category for that because even within the legacy sub-section there would be so much discrepancy. I definitely appreciate your suggestions, they are very interesting ideas and if you would like to flesh them out more and discuss them on our discord server I'd be happy to hear you out, but as for Single Job and the Meme Categories, it would be unreasonable to make a change now due to what I wrote above. Thanks for you input :)


Instead of making Current and Legacy subcategories, you could do something similar to what Hello Neighbor mod team did. After changing rules for Alpha 3, they renamed the old leaderboards, "closed" them and made new ones for the new ruleset.

Probably not the best idea as it requires a lot of work but it's better than deleting invalid runs after a long time or leaving them in the leaderboards.

(also Game Rules still mention Death% which has been deleted for some time now)

Edited by the author 8 months ago
Podkarpackie, Poland

We should let people decide on their own whether they want to follow the old or the revamped categories (by splitting to Current/Legacy). Both sides will be happy.

Regarding unbeatable categories - it's the nature of Roblox games that some glitches are being patched as the time goes on. We must split all necessary categories to Current / Legacy. I happened to moderate a game with similar troubles - we had to make a new category for each new update.

I see nothing preventing us from revamping these categories. Also, I don't really understand what do you mean by "discrepancy".

Edited by the author 8 months ago
Deleted by the author

Not sure if letting runners decide about the categories is a good idea. What if people will decide to keep the old categories? Nothing will change and leaderboards still will be a mess.

Also, I don't really understand what do you mean by "discrepancy".

Discrepancies could refer to all invalid runs that were approved by old mods as 9Withers said and were not deleted to this day.

Podkarpackie, Poland

What I meant is we should keep both Current and Legacy applicable.


Wasn't the point of Current/Legacy sub-categories to separate runs done on new and old versions?

Edited by the author 8 months ago
Podkarpackie, Poland

I feel like "Current" categories should also include rewritten rules so they make more sense. For example - having boxes already open on Pizza Boxer is weird, so I would ban that. If someone liked the previous rules better, they could run the "Legacy" categories. There is no reason to force all players to run the "Current" categories, as some of the "Legacy" categories are surely beatable. It's just about giving players a choice.

qhvg likes this

Current/Legacy could be renamed to New Ruleset/Old Ruleset. Changing the purpose of Current/Legacy makes no sense and will probably cause confusion.

Edited by the author 8 months ago
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