Well then, I expect to see a sudden surge of FPFR. (insert eyes emoji)
This would need a slightly more clear definition, still says when the player is promoted to Chief. That only happens after level 4 though. Perhaps just when you get to the promotion screen?
I still stand by my stance from 6 months ago that I like keeping them in order. I know that "it's always been done that way" isn't always a good reason for not changing things, but seeing as we have 8 submitted runs already I don't agree on suddenly changing the rules.
I don't believe it went either way - we should have had a super serious meeting about this at AGDQ. ;)
Either way, I plan to do more runs of this game very soon. I'm going to continue to do it the way as we always have for now, and if we happen to change our mind I guess I can change. Pretty much as long as we are all on the same page it's fine either way. I do prefer it in numerical order but I'm also silly. I'd end up playing the game either way I think.
Hello! I may have been the first person to say something was sketchy on the twitter thread. (What an odd introduction to make.)
I may have not fully understood the situation when I first heard of it so mostly I want to apologize if what I said came off the wrong way, or if I hurt you at all. I did not mean to imply that you are a sketchy person - in fact since you were very open about this it proves the opposite. What I meant was sketchy was the switching buttons around on a controller, and also something else which was being discussed which was the potential to switch to buttons that don't exist on the system.
I feel like Toad summarized the rest of how I feel very well so there probably isn't reason for me to add more, but please know that I had no intentions of a personal attack. Hopefully there are no hard feelings. Good luck with your future runs!
I like the idea of doing them in order as well. I mean to be fair it makes sense to do it the other way since the last levels pretty much make or break the run across the series. It's true we are just doing this in this order since that's how it was first done, but I do like doing them in order since it seems to make sense from a game play perspective.