United Statesslaurent2 years ago

I get sad when I see others get angry at Uumuu. Sad, because I know that they’re actually angry at themselves, for having terrible Watcher Knight and Hollow Knight fights. Because Uumuu is so easy to optimize, they take their anger out on him, becoming more and more insecure and never addressing their own personal problems. I just wish more people understood that RNG doesn’t ruin runs: speedrunners ruin runs.

United Statesslaurent2 years ago

The audio/visuals are good, and you included the title screen which is also required

However, all mods are banned outside of - even just having the modding API installed at all affects the game. So no custom knight unfortunately

DISCLAIMER: I am not a run verifier

ZEnryco likes this
United Statesslaurent2 years ago

As for "Hornet 2%", that's just most of Shriek%, whose goal is to obtain Abyss Shriek. That one is not on an official leaderboard, but can instead be found on Quacksilver's Home For Imaginary Category Extensions:

United Statesslaurent2 years ago

I believe Celeste% was brought up in the Discord, but since we are here on SRC I will link where I put together a modded save file that has a Dreamgate in Birthplace at the Void Heart egg (normally not possible), as well as splits and notes. Start the timer in the Dreamgate and time should end when collecting the Pale Ore at the Radiance statue

United Statesslaurent2 years ago

in game time is inaccurate. for console runs, they are timed real time. this includes all pausing and load time

WasabiKnight_ likes this
United Statesslaurent2 years ago

Getting to Hidden Station without wings requires a shade skip, and is much faster than getting wings.

United Statesslaurent3 years ago

and quato's:

binary01103 likes this
United Statesslaurent3 years ago

You don't even need wings (nor cdash), you can get up to hornet 2 without wings! Here's homothety's run of the same category, timestamped at that skip:

United Statesslaurent3 years ago

There are no boards on here specific to low% te because, like you said, it's a bad idea. Quacksilver maintains a separate spreadsheet for all kinds of various wacky nonsense, and she has a page for low% te on that:

Pandrrr, CuteReimu, and Quacksilver like this
United Statesslaurent3 years ago

There's no time cap, but please don't shitpost by standing still in King's Pass for 10 hours or something like that

United Statesslaurent3 years ago

UnKindPear is correct, you do not need to upgrade the fragile charms for the 1xx% categories. A few folks in the community have run an "All Unbreakable Charms" category, whose goal is simply to upgrade all three. It's about an hour of geo grinding

Jan_Chan and Bain8renn like this
United Statesslaurent3 years ago

This was added as King's Pass "NG +RNG", where the RNG is the chance for Menderbug to spawn. Have fun!

Blue likes this
United Statesslaurent3 years ago

okay but then at that point its just the first 12 minutes of any% followed by going to edge from king's station

@ins0mnia having a category that's "the first X minutes of any% followed by some extra stuff" didn't stop us from doing Aluba%. So you never know :grubthink:

United Statesslaurent3 years ago

Hello and welcome to Hollow Knight speedrunning!

You may notice that there are a few category proposals on these forums, and otherwise not much activity. This is because most of our discussion about meme categories happens in the #misc channel of the Hollow Knight Speedrunning Discord! (There is an invite link at the top of the page.) A few of the newer categories had no forum activity on this website at all.

When you join the Discord, find the #welcome channel and check the pinned messages for resources and answers to frequently asked questions.

Another note: we highly recommend running some existing categories before exploring the creation of a new one. Recording and submitting a valid speedrun will give you a better perspective on the full process.

ZPS_Grimm, ChokMorris_ and 4 others like this
United Statesslaurent3 years ago

Hi there! Given the number of categories that already meet Sly, I doubt this would garner too much interest. If you are interested in short categories that don't leave Forgotten Crossroads, I highly recommend 4 Mask Shards: (this one also meets Sly, and in fact buys something from him at the end :D )

thread: The Site
United Statesslaurent3 years ago

I am missing a lot of notifications as well. This includes one of my recently verified submissions!

United Statesslaurent3 years ago

By WotW, do you mean Ori 2: Will of the Wisps? If so, this is not the game you are looking for. Otherwise, I assume "wotw" was a typo for "with". If you are interested in Hollow Knight speedrunning, start by taking a look at some guides and joining the discord. Both linked on the left sidebar

United Statesslaurent3 years ago

It looks like folks are into this. I'm not a mod here, but

  • If you want the runs to be valid per the game rules, start your recording at the title screen, so the verifier can see the patch number and check that there are no mods installed
  • Use the autosplitter/load remover for Hollow Knight:
  • If this were a category, timing would almost certainly end at the "Brooding Mawlek (boss)" autosplit. Select that, and check the box for "end-triggering autosplit". Watch when it splits here: ; it's basically on the last hit.

I think following all these conventions would (a) give consistency to compare amongst yourselves and (b) make a unified case for mods to add it

Again, I'm not a mod, but that's how I would go about advocating for a new category

United Statesslaurent3 years ago

I'd highly recommend 4 mask shards:

It's a very fun category! It includes brooding mawlek AND saving grubs :D

About slaurent
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Hollow Knight Category Extensions
Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight
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Unbound: Worlds Apart
Unbound: Worlds Apart
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Hollow Knight Mods
Hollow Knight Mods
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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
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Hollow Knight Category Extensions
Hollow Knight Category Extensions
Last action 2 months ago
Hollow Knight
Hollow Knight
Last action 4 months ago