thread: Speedrunning
Polandradeox7 years ago

anyone can explain me step by step ? :) thank you Bro for some information.

Polandradeox7 years ago

Can you help me? I have livesplit and what emu i need in pc ? i don;t undderstand how mario with livesplit can work together automatically. What's mario i need ? what's settings and can you step to step tell me ho w to do this ? (sorry for bad eng . Poland guy). Thx

thread: Speedrunning
Polandradeox7 years ago

Guys how to use autosplit in super mario bros.. a i have livesplit in pc + emu nestopia. I don;t understand how this programs can work together. My english is bad i know but i really need help. I found one info "you need to have a script and do something about it . Please help me. i would like to start speed running for fun in pc :) What i need ?

About radeox
7 years ago
7 years ago