thread: Speedrunning
nibno4 years ago

@Lientenant_Boo now that you have conquered super mario 63 maybe you can speedrun super mario 64 with us big boys!! You need to set higher goals. Maybe even play Mario 65 after, thanks.

nibno4 years ago

@PASRC I Know! Shadow64 has been trolling and bullying me!

I'm kidding btw xD I don't have WR in this game but I am at least 5th place I think

toontownveteran likes this
nibno4 years ago

But why would anyone like this game when sonic adventure 2 is much better? I have world record in both games and I can say SA2 is much better and has better graphics as well.

toontownveteran likes this
nibno4 years ago

How do I get to that staircase in the video? I'm at the staircase in bob bom battlefield and tryin to BJL there.

toontownveteran likes this
nibno4 years ago
  1. I come here for help and you all bully me? Well this game is sucks because the backwords long jump is impossible!! I do have a time of 1 hour 38 minits though so I guess I'm not all bad... but still I can't understand why anyone would choose mario over sonic.
toontownveteran likes this
nibno4 years ago
  1. It is in fact spelled backwords in my part of the world
  2. It is not a meme! I don't suck I just can't do the jump
  3. How can I mash when the game is not letting me?
  4. Who are you calling a suck?
toontownveteran, TheMightyGiantDad and 3 others like this
nibno4 years ago

framrate is capped is 30 in this game

nibno4 years ago

How do you do it? What makes this game tick in the coding language? How can mario jump so far backwords if he hasn't even got the star or defeated bowser yet? This game has many coding errors and to be honest it sucks. Why can't you all run sonic instead? Thanks

thread: Speedrunning
nibno4 years ago

You don't even need video for proof of speedrun. Thanks, and have fun!

thread: Super Mario
nibno5 years ago

i don't think you guys should do this without miyamoto's approval, have some respect for the man, for god's sake, thanks.

thread: Speedrunning
nibno5 years ago

You can only speedran on PC, thanks.

nibno5 years ago

really looking forward to being a fast guy like you all, thanks.

thread: Speedrunning
nibno5 years ago

Hey man I know you want to speed an RPG but don't, do runs of Sonic instead, thanks.

zekeSSB likes this
About nibno
5 years ago
4 years ago
Games followed
Blinx 2: Masters of Time and Space
Blinx: The Time Sweeper
Blinx: The Time Sweeper
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